The first edition of this book was released just over ten years ago, in 2006. This can be considered the Annus Mirabilis of Plant Nutrition in Brazil, as, in addition to the volume “Mineral Nutrition of Plants”, published by the Brazilian Society of Science of Solo, the “Manual of Mineral Nutrition of Plants” by Professor E. Malavolta and, simultaneously, the Portuguese version of the book by Epstein & Bloom,
“Plant Mineral Nutrition: Principles and Perspectives”.
Over the past ten years, there has been exponential growth in knowledge and research methods in plant nutrition. The previous period can be considered as that of the classic phenomenological approach, which has as its initial reference Epstein’s book published in 1972, followed by the books by Mengel & Kirkby (1978) and Marchner (1986).
The 21st century is accompanied by an enormous volume of scientific knowledge, mainly due to intense research activity using molecular techniques. These techniques allowed us not only to go beyond “deducing” the existence of ion and molecule transporters, as we did thanks to an extraordinary intellectual effort, using velocity versus concentration curves, which showed saturation kinetics, but also to arrive at the identification and to the characterization of many genes that code for ion pumps, carriers and ion channels, as well as the transcription factors that control their expression levels. Also, through molecular and electrophysiology approaches, it was possible to characterize the kinetic properties of different transport proteins and the transport mechanisms involved. Techniques have been developed to study in detail the architecture, morphology and anatomy of the root system and its responses to changes in the soil environment.
It has also become possible to characterize how biotic and abiotic factors affect these processes, the energy balance and the metabolic costs of absorption, accumulation and transport of nutrients in the plant. The availability of this knowledge allows us to identify strategies and mechanisms to achieve greater efficiency in the use of nutrients by plants, with high productivity and the least possible damage to the environment. Due to the advancement of knowledge in plant nutrition, all chapters in this volume have been revised and updated; Furthermore, almost all of them were expanded, some underwent major modifications and others had to be replaced.
We took special care in preparing this volume with the clarity and ease of understanding of the topics covered. Original figures were produced and others were adapted for this purpose. When necessary, “Boxes”, with a didactic approach, were added to the chapters.
The authors of the various chapters did their best to produce a current book, at the frontier of knowledge, that incorporates the advances made by science and can serve as a reference and guidance for students, researchers and teachers in the area of Plant Mineral Nutrition .
Manlio Silvestre Fernandes,
Department of Soils, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro – RJ.
Book | |
Title | Nutrição Mineral de Plantas – 2ª Edição |
Publishers | Manlio Silvestre Fernandes Sonia Regina de Souza Leandro Azevedo Santos |
Publishing company | Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo |
Edition | 2ª Edição |
Pages | 670 |
Content | I – ESSENTIAL AND BENEFICIAL ELEMENTS TO HIGHER PLANTS. Antonio Roque Dechen & Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall II – NUTRITIONAL SOLUTIONS: COMPOSITION, FORMULATION, USES AND ATTRIBUTES. Nilton Nélio Cometti, Pedro Roberto Furlani & Glaucio da Cruz Genuncio III – THE ROOT SYSTEM AND ITS INTERACTIONS WITH THE EDAPHIC ENVIRONMENT. Everaldo Zonta, Felipe da Costa Brasil, Joecildo Francisco Rocha, Leandro Azevedo Santos, Leandro Martins Ferreira, Orlando Carlos Huertas Tavares, Rafael Ribeiro Pimentel, Roberto Oscar Pereira Rossiello & Silvia Regina Goi IV – NUTRIENT ABSORPTION. Manlio Silvestre Fernandes, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Sonia Regina de Souza V – ABSORPTION, TRANSPORT AND REDISTRIBUTION OF ORGANIC FORMS OF NITROGEN IN PLANTS. Cassia Pereira Coelho Bucher, Carlos Alberto Bucher & Sonia Regina de Souza VI – NITRIC OXIDE IN PLANTS. Marcel Giovanni Costa França, Marcelo G. Pedrosa, Marília M.L. Carvalho, José Ronaldo Magalhães, Flavio Couto Cordeiro & Sonia Regina de Souza VII – HUMIC SUBSTANCES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON PLANT NUTRITION. Andrés Calderín García, José Maria García-Mina, Orlando Carlos Huertas Tavares, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Ricardo Luis Louro Berbara VIII – SYMBIOTIC AND ASSOCIATIVE BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN FIXATION. Veronica Massena Reis, Ederson da Conceição Jesus, Stefan Schwab, André Luiz de Martinez de Oliveira, Fábio Lopes Olivares, Vera Lucia Divan Baldani & José Ivo Baldani IX – NITROGEN. Sonia Regina de Souza & Manlio Silvestre Fernandes X – SULFUR. Godofredo Cesar Vitti, Rafael Otto, Julia Savieto, Eduardo Lima & Leandro Azevedo Santos XI – MATCH. Carlos Alberto Bucher, Cassia Pereira Coelho Bucher, Adelson Paulo de Araujo & Marcos Vinícius Loss Sperandio XII – POTASSIUM. Egon José Meurer, Tales Tiecher & Lucia Mattiello XIII – CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM. Eduardo Lima, Godofredo César Vitti, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Fernanda Cicarone XIV – MICRONUTRIENTS. Antonio Roque Dechen, Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall, Quirino Augusto de Camargo Carmello, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Marcus Vinícius Loss Sperandio XV – BENEFICIAL ELEMENTS. Gaspar Henrique Korndörfer & Sonia Regina de Souza XVI – MORE THAN A DECADE OF RESEARCH ON ALUMINUM IN PLANTS: PROGRESS IN TOXIDITY AND STRESS TOLERANCE MECHANISMS. Roberto Oscar Pereyra Rossiello, Everaldo Zonta & Carlos Alberto Bucher XVII – MECHANISMS OF PLANT TOLERANCE TO HEAVY METALS. André Marques dos Santos, Fabiana Soares dos Santos, Nelson Moura Brasil do Amaral Sobrinho & Ana Carolina Callegario Pereira |