This publication constitutes a landmark in the evolution of teaching and applicability of soil fertility in the productive process of Brazilian agriculture.
Although our country occupies a prominent place in the development of research involving the management of fertility in soils in tropical regions and the generation of advanced technologies in this area of knowledge, with a large number of publications by Brazilian authors, in general, the approach was taken , in most cases, in a
fragmented. This forced students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as other technicians who make use of this area of knowledge, to turn to various publications if they wanted to have access to more complete and comprehensive information on the subject.
The great merit of this book, Soil Fertility, which is part of the series of textbooks being published by the Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS), is to present, in a single publication, the vast knowledge generated in recent decades in this segment involving basic concepts, diagnostic techniques, interpretations of the results of this diagnosis to the appropriate criteria for recommending correctives and fertilizers to correct possible problems for the most diverse soil conditions, climates and Brazilian cultures.
Covering eighteen chapters, prepared by renowned Brazilian professors and researchers, in a total of 1017 pages, this book deals, in chapter I, with a description of the interrelationships of soil fertility and agricultural productivity, with emphasis on historical aspects of its evolution in the world and notable facts in Brazil. Chapters II, III and IV involve a discussion of plant growth factors, elements required for plant nutrition and the soil-plant relationship, which are basic principles indispensable for understanding soil fertility in its broadest sense. In chapters V to and fertilizers. Chapters XII to XIV cover the discussion on production, characteristics and properties of fertilizers, assessment of soil fertility, recommendation and management of fertilizer (application methods, location and time), among other topics. Chapters XV to XVIII cover soil fertility and its management for very specific conditions, involving these aspects in direct planting systems, in soils affected by salts and in degraded areas, systems that, due to their peculiarities, deserve special treatment. Finally, chapter XVIII deals with the fertility and sustainability of agricultural activity, with emphasis on tropical soils, which are naturally infertile.
We are certain that the knowledge contained in this publication will significantly contribute to the consolidation of Brazil as a major global power in the production of food, agro-energy and other rural products, by increasing agricultural production and productivity in a more economical way, sustainable and socially responsible.
It is worth highlighting the great effort of the authors of the various chapters and, in particular, the tireless work of coordinating and editing this book, a team led by Professor Roberto Ferreira de Novais, from the Federal University of Viçosa, Chief Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Soil Science, who, with selflessness, detachment and critical spirit, managed to bring to fruition this work of relevant importance for the academic context and for Brazilian agribusiness.
Alfredo Scheid Lopes
Agricultural Engineer, MS, PhD.
Professor Emeritus at the Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG.
Technical Consultant of the National Association for Fertilizer Diffusion, São Paulo, SP.
Title | Fertilidade do Solo |
Publishers | Roberto Ferreira Novais, Víctor Hugo Alvarez V., Nairam Félix de Barros, Renildes Lúcio F. Fontes, Reinaldo Bertola Cantarutti Júlio César Lima |
Publishing company | Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo |
ISBN | 978-85-86504-08-2 |
Year | 2007 |
Language | Português |
Pages | 1017 |
Content | I – SOIL FERTILITY AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY Alfredo Scheid Lopes & Luiz Roberto Guimarães Guilherme II – FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS Egon J. Meurer III – ELEMENTS REQUIRED FOR PLANT NUTRITION Antonio Roque Dechen & Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall IV – SOIL RELATIONSHIP -PLANT Roberto Ferreira Novais & Jaime Wilson Vargas de Mello V – SOIL ACIDITY AND ITS CORRECTION Djalma Martinhão Gomes de Sousa, Leo Nobre de Miranda & Sebastião Alberto de Oliveira VI – SOIL ORGANIC MATTER Ivo Ribeiro da Silva & Eduardo de Sá Mendonça VII – NITROGEN Heitor Cantarella VIII – PHOSPHORUS Roberto Ferreira Novais, T. Jot Smyth & Flancer Novais Nunes IX – POTASSIUM Paulo Roberto Ernani, Jaime Antônio de Almeida & Flávia Cristina dos Santos & Nilza de Fátima Pereira Prieto & Roberto Ferreira Novais XIV – FERTILIZATION MANAGEMENT Carlos Alberto Ceretta, Leandro Souza da Silva & Aurélio Pavinato Galvão dos Santos Freire & Fernando José Freire XVII – SOIL FERTILITY AND ITS MANAGEMENT IN DEGRADED AREAS Luiz Eduardo Dias, Avilio Antônio Franco & Eduardo Francia Carneiro Campello XVIII – SOIL FERTILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITY Wenceslau J. Goedert & Sebastião Alberto de Oliveiraro Campello XVIII – FERTILIDADE DO SOLO E SUSTENTABILIDADE DA ATIVIDADE AGRÍCOLA Wenceslau J. Goedert & Sebastião Alberto de Oliveira |