SBCS promove XIV Reunião Brasileira de Classificação e Correlação de Solos (RCC)
Around 90 people participated in the XIV Brazilian Soil Classification and Correlation Meeting, between the 8th and 15th of October.
During a week, they traveled 1,800 km between Goiás and Tocantins to better understand the soils of this route and contribute to the improvement of the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS). The itinerary included a route from south to north of the states of Goiás and Tocantins, from Goiânia (south) to Palmas (north), examining 14 profiles. The excursion allowed us to discover the soils of a region with strong bioclimatic contrasts and landscapes that include areas of savannah, high-altitude fields and extensive alluvial plains of the Araguaia River.
The XIV RCC was promoted by the Central-West Regional Center of SBCS and organized by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Embrapa Pesca and Aquaculture, Embrapa Solos, Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano), Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and Association of Agricultural Engineers of Goiás (AEAGO).
SBCS launches Soil Education E-Book
There are 15 chapters written by 34 authors from 18 different teaching and research institutions, presenting the state of the art of Soil Education in the country.
The work is aimed at everyone involved and interested in Soil Education, in different formal or non-formal educational spaces, at different levels of basic or higher education, in university or rural extension, in environmental education actions, and other fields that have interest or involvement with this topic.
The book reveals conceptions and reflections regarding the actions of those who assume themselves as educators on land, each in their distinct perception, reality and context.
In the chapters Education in Soils is guided by a broad and diverse understanding, and the authors’ texts express this multifaceted vision of the educational process, which makes the work rich in its languages.
Organizers: Fabiane Machado Vezzani, Marcelo Ricardo de Lima, Valentim da Silva and Cristine Carole Muggler.

Soil Science loses Raphael David dos Santos
Embrapa Soils researcher and meritorious member of SBCS, Raphael David dos Santos, passed away at the age of 93, on September 19, in Rio de Janeiro. SBCS sympathizes with family and friends and thanks him for his great contributions to soil science in Brazil.
22nd World Soil Science Congress was held in the United Kingdom
More than two thousand people participated in the 22nd World Soil Science Congress promoted by the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), in Glasgow, Scotland, between the 31st of July and the 5th of August.
The event was held in a hybrid format, with around 800 people participating virtually. Twenty Brazilians participated virtually and SBCS was represented by the former president and current advisor, Gonçalo Signorelli de Farias.
The next two World Soil Science Congresses will be in China, in 2026, and in Canada, in 2030.
Find out more about the World Congress of Soil Science’s programming.

World Soil Day 2022
To celebrate World Soil Day, SBCS encouraged, as happens every year, that the Centers, Divisions and partners promote scientific dissemination events in their regions that take the theme “Soils, where food begins” to lay audiences.
In addition to campaigns on social media, SBCS also promoted a live broadcast on the same topic on its YouTube channel. In it, researcher Ana Paula Tureta, from Embrapa Solos, and professor Maurício Cherubin, from Esalq/USP, spoke about soil health and its relationship with food security.
The live is available on the SBCS YouTube channel
Brazil has four children’s books selected in the FAO soil competition
To celebrate World Soil Day, the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) launched a scientific children’s book competition on the importance of soils for food and nutrition with the motto “Soils, where it begins The feeding”.
Brazil was in third place with the book Special Picnic on World Soil Day, by professor Jully Gabriela Retzlaf, from the State University of Northern Paraná (UENP).
Among the best works that will be published by FAO are also the books by Brazilian women. The amazing soil: Our food and our health, by professor Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha Santino, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)
Food Sprouts from the Soil, by professor at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Adriana de Fátima Meira Vital.
The soil: from knowledge to food, written by professor Adriana Ribon, from the State University of Goiás.
SBCS congratulates the teachers and all participants for the work done.
SBCS for democracy
Throughout this year, especially in the second semester, SBCS demonstrated on its social networks in defense of democracy and the appreciation of Brazilian science. SBCS also endorsed several demonstrations led by the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science with the same objectives. The content of the posts highlighted the commitment of the Brazilian Soil Science Society to safeguarding a country that respects democracy, values Education, cultural, ethnic and religious diversity, the Environment, and that relies on scientific knowledge to overcome immense social and economic challenges that Brazil faces.
President of SBCS is reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS)
The president of SBCS, professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ), was reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), with a mandate until 2025. For this mandate, 95 experts were appointed for 27 vacancies as effective members. Among these, only four were reappointed, including Brazil. “It is an even greater responsibility to participate in this important panel for global soil science”, said the president of SBCS.
The ITPS was created in 2013 by the United Nations (UN) as a panel of experts from around the world to support the actions of the Global Soil Alliance (GSP). Brazil has been present in all three mandates so far as one of the countries in the Latin America and Caribbean macro region, which has five representatives. Professor Lúcia Anjos has represented Brazil since 2018.
For this honor, she thanks GSP’s partners in Brazil who nominated her: SBCS, UFRRJ, UFV, UFES, IAC, the Brazilian Federation of the Direct Planting System ((FEBRAPDP) and the Confederation of American Associations for Agriculture Sustainable (CAAPAS). The president of SBCS also had the support of several institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), the Latin American Society of Soil Science and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS).
9th Bahian Soil Seminar
PET Solos – the first Tutorial Education Program in Brazil with a soil theme – linked to the State University of Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, held, between the 21st and 23rd of November, the 9th Bahian Soil Seminar. The event was supported by the Northeast Regional Center of SBCS.
The seminar featured lectures, conferences, short courses and technical excursions and aimed to promote articulation and integration between students, teachers and researchers in the area of Soil Science in Bahia. According to the organizers, the program also helped to mature the project to create the Bahian Soil Science Network
VII Northeastern Soil Science Meeting
The Northeast Regional Center of SBCS promoted, between the 5th and 9th of December, in Mossoró/RN, the VII Northeastern Soil Science Meeting. The event had the theme “Soil Health, Sustainability and Advances in Agriculture in the Northeast” and brought together around 450 participants from different areas of soil science. The event was held by the Federal Rural University of Semi-Arido.
XIV South Brazilian Soil Science Meeting
The Southern Regional Center of SBCS held, between the 16th and 18th of November, in Florianópolis/SC, the XIV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting. The main theme of the event was “Management and Conservation of soil and water in family farming.
The Meeting included the presentation of scientific works, conferences and panels, technical session meetings, involving researchers, professors, undergraduate and postgraduate students, public and private technical assistance agents, as well as rural producers.
Furthermore, on the 14th and 15th of November, the V South Brazilian Soil Identification Competition was promoted, which aims to encourage the identification and knowledge of soils in the southern states of Brazil by teams of undergraduate/postgraduate students coordinated by professors. .
More information on the website: www.rsbcs.com.br
Southern Regional Center elects its new board of directors
Professor Pedro Alexandre Varella Escosteguy, from the School of Agricultural Sciences, Innovation and Business at the University of Passo Fundo, was elected for a two-year term.
The election took place during the XIV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting, held in November, in Florianópolis.
The new board’s main objectives are the creation of regionalized textbooks for the subareas of Soil Science; update the Liming and Fertilization Manual for the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina; create and maintain NRS communication channels; define, together with researchers linked to the NRS, the main lines of research in each sub-area of soil science; work with public and development agents to facilitate funding resources for priority research for RS and SC, consolidating the NRS as a communication channel between these bodies and researchers and forwarding demands from SBCS members
Check out the names of the new board members below.
Director: Pedro Alexandre Varella Escosteguy (UPF)
1st Deputy Director: Researcher Fabiano De Bona?(Embrapa Trigo)
2nd Deputy Director: Paulo Ivonir Gubiani (UFSM)
1st Treasurer: Jackson Korchagin (CESURG)
General Secretary: André Amaral (Embrapa Trigo)
Board of directors: Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi, Tales Tiecher, Maurício Vicente Alves and Leandro Sousa da Silva
SBCS Virtual Store with a new look
The SBCS virtual store has been completely redesigned to make it easier to consult and purchase books, e-books and objects.
XXXVIII Brazilian Soil Science Congress and XXIII Latin American Soil Science Congress
The Solos Floripa 2023 will be a major event jointly promoted by the Latin American Societies (SLCS) and the Brazilian Soil Science Societies (SBCS), with the support of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS). The event will be held by the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) Costão do Santinho Resort, from July 30th to August 4th, 2023.
With the theme “Latin America and the good governance of its soils and biomes: possibility or utopia?”, the Organizers’ expectation is that congressmen will have the opportunity to participate in a broad discussion about the role of soil in today’s society, its impacts not only on agriculture, but also on biomes when discussing natural disasters, climate change, global warming, water and food security, rural and urban planning, among many others.
Find out more at: www.solosfloripa2023.com.br