Events promoted by SBCS Regional Centers
The SBCS Paraná Soil Science Center (NEPAR) promoted, on November 17th and 18th, the 7th Paraná Soil Science Meeting. The event was organized by the Soil Group of the State University of the Center-West – UNICENTRO-PR with the theme “High productivity combined with soil conservation”.
The Noroeste Nucleus of SBCS promoted, from November 17th to 20th, the event “Soils and their technologies for the sustainable development of the Amazon”, together with the II Soil Science Meeting of the Noroeste Nucleus which, in turn, had as its theme “Rural space in the development of the Amazon in the 21st century”.
The events presented the challenges and opportunities associated with the growth and expansion of land use in the south-western region of the Amazon, with emphasis on the states of Acre and Rondônia, as well as the main advances achieved in soil knowledge and territorial management in this region of the Amazon.
The lectures are available on the SBCS channel on YouTube.
Western Amazon
The Western Amazon Regional Center held, between December 6th and 10th, the III Western Amazon Soil Science Symposium
The event included the participation of researchers in the areas of Fertility, Microbiology and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Management and Conservation and Soil Genesis and Mineralogy
Regional Centers have new boards
Some SBCS Regional Centers elected their new boards this year. Check below the names of the directors and vice-presidents and the links to consult the complete list of directors with terms of office for the 2022/2023 periods.
Northwest Regional Center: Election held in May.Director: Karina Thais Lima Burity (Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho, Porto Velho). Deputy director: Elaine de Almeida Delarmelinda Honoré (Federal University of Rondônia Foundation)
Northeast Regional Center.Election held in November. Director: Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar (UFC, Fortaleza, CE). 1st Deputy Director: Carolina Malala Martins Souza (UFERSA, Mossoró, RN).
Paraná State Nucleus: Election held in November.Director Nilvania Aparecida de Mello (UTFPR/Pato Branco). 1st Deputy Director: Nerilde Favaretto (UFPR).
Central-West Regional Center: Election held in November. Director: Rilner Alves Flores (UFG/Goiânia) Deputy director: (Ademir Fontana Embrapa Solos – MS).
XXXVIII CBCS will be held in 2023
The next Brazilian Soil Science Congress (CBCS) will be held between July 30 and August 4, 2023, in Florianópolis (SC), together with the XXIII Latin American Soil Science Congress (CLACS). The decision was taken during the meeting of the SBCS Board of Directors, held on June 25th and endorsed by the Latin American Soil Science Society (SLCS) in a meeting held on July 19th, 2021. The event will be chaired by the researcher from Epagri/Ciram, Elisângela Benedet da Silva.
The CBCSs are held every two years, in odd-numbered years, but the pandemic made the event unfeasible in 2021. According to Elisângela Benedet, the Organizing Committee has been monitoring the risks of holding the event since the beginning of the pandemic. “We even thought about a fully online or hybrid event, still in 2021 or 2022, but the pandemic scenario has not improved and we think it would be more sensible to postpone it until 2023 and hold it in person, which also helps to make the event financially viable. Even so, we need to constantly monitor the evolution of the pandemic in Brazil and Latin America, but we are confident that we will be able to hold the event completely in person”, said Elisângela, who is also president of SLCS and vice-president of SBCS.
The Congress will have the theme “Latin America and the good governance of its soils and biomes: possibility or utopia?”, and will be held at the Costão do Santinho Resort.

World Soil Day
Once again, SBCS celebrated World Soil Day by encouraging all our partners, Centers and Divisions to promote scientific dissemination events, taking the topic to schools and promoting awareness about the importance of soil and its preservation. The theme for 2021, proposed by the UN, was “Stop soil salinization to increase its productivity”. The salinization of Brazil’s soils is also the subject of a live broadcast promoted by SBCS, on December 7th.

Lives on interesting topics in soil science
The difficulties in holding in-person events, brought about by the pandemic, did not prevent SBCS from being attentive to the demands of promoting debate and updating contemporary themes.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, SBCS has already promoted eight lives of great interest to soil science. All with great public success, with around three thousand spectators each. Furthermore, they are available on the SBCS YouTube channel, making it easier for more people to access them.
In this second half of 2021, two lives were held. In November, the live “Soils and Climate Change” debated a very important and current topic for everyone who works with earth sciences. In December, the live broadcast addressed the theme chosen by FAO to celebrate World Soil Day in 2021: “Stop soil salinization to increase its productivity. “
Watch these and other lives on the SBCS channel, on YouTube

Book launch on Experimental Matrices
Experimental matrices are procedures for defining treatments that make it possible to reconcile hypotheses, objectives, materials and methods in the appropriate use of scientific methodology.
In this book, this knowledge, which is of great use and application in science, gains the experienced eye of a master: Professor Víctor Hugo Alvarez V., from the Federal University of Viçosa. His experience of more than 50 years of research and teaching allowed the construction of an authorial book to guide new researchers in the generation of scientific knowledge.
In addition to more common procedures, such as factorials, the author presents us with other less-known matrices, but with the potential to contribute to reducing the number of experimental units and treatments, without losing efficiency in statistical evaluation. These are techniques that can also reduce time, costs and expand the possibilities for evaluating responses in laboratory, greenhouse or field experiments. The statistics, behind the experimental matrices, are revealed with examples of application in Soil Science with analyzes of the advantages and disadvantages of each option presented.

SBCS promotes National Soil Competition virtually
For the second time in a row, the SBCS Working Group (GT) for organizing the National Soil Competition promoted the event virtually, giving students an opportunity for fun and interesting learning about soil evaluation and interpretation. This year 56 competitors from 13 states participated, covering all regions of the country.
The event was held between November 29th and December 3rd and was organized by the GT formed by professors from UFSM, UFSC, UFRRJ, UFPel. The competition is modeled after the “Soil Judging Contest”, promoted by the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) during world congresses. Soil competitions in Brazil began in Santa Maria, in 2015, as part of the celebrations of the International Year of Soil (UN/FAO). It is currently part of the calendar of the Brazilian Soil Science Society
Since last year, the GT created a dynamic for registered students to undergo intensive training in recognizing and interpreting landscape data and then, on the last day, take part in the competition. According to professor Fabrício Pedron (UFSM), this year, 25 students participated in the final stage of soil evaluation and interpretation and a quiz on the topic. The GT assesses that, once again, the online competition was a success and contributed greatly to the training process of students who lack practical classes due to the pandemic.

Dissemination of soil science to children and adolescents
Brazil’s participation in the children’s book competition on soils affected by salinization promoted by FAO/UN, the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) and the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is a source of pride for SBCS and the entire community of soil researchers from Brazil.
The event organizers received 27 book proposals from 14 countries. The theme proposed for the development of stories for children and adolescents was the same as that celebrated this year on World Soil Day “Stop soil salinization to increase its productivity”.
Check out the titles and authors of selected Brazilian books
Earth’s Extraordinary Soil for All Living Organisms. Learning, thinking and acting! – Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha Santino
Get out of here, salinity, leave my soil alone – Adriana de Fátima and Rivaldo Vital
Solinho in the Caatinga. Halt soil salinization, Boost soil productivity – Antonio Azevedo.
The History of Rocky, the Soil – Bruna Vicente.
The fun soil profiles in: How to reduce soil salinization to increase productivity – Adriana Ribon and Marcos Gervasio Pereira.
Thus, like FAO/UN, SBCS congratulates and thanks everyone who participated in this important scientific dissemination project on soil science.

SBCS thanks the partners in its Regional and State Centers, who collaborated in organizing events and disseminating Soil Science.
To our editors and reviewers at RBCS, the Board of Directors, and our entire support team at SBCS headquarters, for keeping society active in 2021, our gratitude.
To all those who are not yet part of SBCS, but follow us on social media, our embrace and our invitation to come and join us.
May 2022 be a NEW year of meetings, hugs and HOPE.
To exist, publish and fight for soil science in Brazil, SBCS needs you. Join