SBCS turns 75
Created in October 1947, SBCS was the first Ibero-Latin American soil science society. In Brazil, it is even older than the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, the SBPC.
The stamp commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science was launched during the live broadcast on soil conservation in Brazil, held on April 12th. Throughout this year, we will talk more about the history and importance of SBCS for valuing soil science and its researchers today and over these 75 years.
Watch this and other lives on the SBCS YouTube channel
XXXVIII Brazilian Soil Science Congress will be held in person, in Florianópolis, in 2023
The project of the XXIII Latin American Congress of Soil Science (CLACS) and the XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Soil Science (CBCS) is getting off the ground and everyone can help to bring these important events to soil science in Brazil to fruition.
The events will be held jointly by Epagri, with promotion and support from SBCS, the Latin American Society of Soil Science (SLCS) and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) from July 30th to August 4th, 2023 in person format, in Florianópolis (SC) at Costão do Santinho Resort.
The Congresses will have as their central theme “Latin America and the good governance of its soils and biomes: possibility or utopia?”.
They will also feature the VIII Latin American Symposium on Educational Innovations in the Teaching of Soil Science, which should welcome primary and secondary school children and young people from the 18 SLCS member countries, with the possibility of specific special sponsorship.
The CLACS/CBCS/2023 Organizing Committee together with Lusch, the company organizing the events, prepared the CLACS/CBCS/2023 Commercial Project, which provides important information about the institutions involved, the public and objectives of the events, location, sponsorship quotas (investments and returns), stands and special sponsorships.
Everyone can help in the search for sponsors.
Contacts for more information and to request the Commercial Project of the events by email:
The basis for the Pronasolos University was created
CAPES approved, in May 2022, the qualification of a consortium of universities to offer a higher education specialization course in Geoprocessing, Soil Survey and Interpretation, in the distance mode and starting in January 2023. The pedagogical project of the course integrates the future proposal of Pronasolos University and its general objective is to train public agents and professionals trained in the identification and recognition of soils, preparation of pedological maps and interpretation of this resource for agricultural and environmental purposes.
The trained professionals must work in various activities and institutions, in particular, in the National Soil Survey and Interpretation Program in Brazil (PronaSolos), whose objective is to map Brazilian soils, on scales ranging from 1:25,000 to 1:100,000. The lack of detailed information about Brazilian soils is a serious problem for national development, since, currently, less than 5% of the national territory has soil maps at detailed scales, of 1:100,000 or greater.
The creation of the course’s pedagogical project will be the basis for the future Pronasolos University and the first classes will be offered from the first quarter of 2023. It is a partnership of Brazilian Universities, including, initially, UFRRJ, UFV, UFMG, UFRA and UFG , with the support of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).
SBCS, through its presidency and its representatives on the Executive Committee of Pronasolos, has directly participated in the negotiations with CAPES and MAPA that led to this favorable result, with a maximum score (5) in the evaluation of the proposals.
SBCS is also grateful for the direct collaboration of our former president of SBCS, professor Flavio Camargo, and Embrapa Solos researcher, José Carlos Polidoro, who acted as connecting elements between the Universities, CAPES and MAPA.
President of SBCS is reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils
Great news for soil science in Brazil. The president of SBCS, professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ), was reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), with a mandate until 2025. For this mandate, 95 experts were appointed for 27 vacancies as effective members. Among these, only four were reappointed, including Brazil. “It is an even greater responsibility to participate in this important panel for global soil science”, said the president of SBCS.
The ITPS was created in 2013 by the United Nations (UN) as a panel of experts from around the world to support the actions of the Global Soil Alliance (GSP). Brazil has been present in all three mandates so far as one of the countries in the Latin America and Caribbean macro region, which has five representatives. Professor Lúcia Anjos has represented Brazil since 2018.
For this honor, she thanks GSP’s partners in Brazil who nominated her: SBCS, UFRRJ, UFV, UFES, IAC, the Brazilian Federation of the Direct Planting System ((FEBRAPDP) and the Confederation of American Associations for Agriculture Sustainable (CAAPAS). The president of SBCS also had the support of several institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), the Latin American Society of Soil Science and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS).
SBCS launches new edition of Topics in Soil Science
The Brazilian Soil Science Society has just released another volume in the Topics in Soil Science series. Created in 2000, the series aims to update and simplify access for soil science students, teachers and researchers to topics of great importance to soil science at that time.
In this 11th volume, we sought, once again, to offer a set of texts with themes that are at the frontier of knowledge and have great potential for impact on the scientific community, in addition to revisiting classic themes of recognized importance for Brazilian and global science. The texts were written by more than 40 professionals, mixing mature names with outstanding professional experience with new, equally competent specialists who have emerged in recent years, an ideal combination to guarantee the renewal and continuity at a high level of Brazilian soil science.
This new volume is edited by: Luiz Francisco Souza-Filho, Rodrigo Coqui da Silva, Fábio Ricardo Coutinho Fontes César and Carolina Malala Martins Souza.
XIV South Brazilian Soil Science Meeting
The SBCS Southern Regional Center will hold the XIV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting in Florianópolis/SC, on the 16th, 17th and 18th of November 2022.
The main theme of the event will be “Soil and water management and conservation in family farming” and will feature the presentation of scientific works in the form of E-posters, conferences and panels, technical session meetings, involving researchers, students, assistance agents public and private technique and rural producers.
On November 14th and 15th, the event will promote the V South Brazilian Soil Identification Competition to encourage the identification and knowledge of soils in the southern states of Brazil by teams of undergraduate/postgraduate students coordinated by professors.
President of SBCS is reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on soils
The president of SBCS, professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ), was reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), with a mandate until 2025. For this mandate, 95 experts were appointed for 27 vacancies as effective members. Among these, only four were reappointed, including Brazil. “It is an even greater responsibility to participate in this important panel for global soil science”, said the president of SBCS.
The ITPS was created in 2013 by the United Nations (UN) as a panel of experts from around the world to support the actions of the Global Soil Alliance (GSP). Brazil has been present in all three mandates so far as one of the countries in the Latin America and Caribbean macro region, which has five representatives. Professor Lúcia Anjos has represented Brazil since 2018.
For this honor, she thanks GSP’s partners in Brazil who nominated her: SBCS, UFRRJ, UFV, UFES, IAC, the Brazilian Federation of the Direct Planting System ((FEBRAPDP) and the Confederation of American Associations for Agriculture Sustainable (CAAPAS). The president of SBCS also had the support of several institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply 29 de Abril (MAPA), the Latin American Society of Soil Science and the International Union of Soil Science ( IUSS).
XI Soil Education Symposium will be in December 2023
To hold a fully in-person and interactive event, the organizers of the XI Soil Education Symposium (XI SBES) decided to postpone the event until 2023.
The Symposium will be promoted by the Centro Oeste Regional Center of the SBCS and carried out by the Palmeiras de Goiás Unit of the State University of Goiás (UEG), in partnership with the State University of Grande Dourados (UFGD) and other institutions.
The event will be held between December 4th and 8th, 2023 and chaired by professors Adriana Ribon (UEG) and Paula Pinheiro (UFGD).
The Symposium will have as its central theme “Education in soils and its multiple horizons”, addressing the multidisciplinary nature present in the most diverse areas, such as: basic and higher education, agriculture, rural extension, urban soils, inclusion and gender equality through construction of the concept of soils in the form of art with paints, poetry, theater, characters, reading stories and other playful activities, with the aim of broadening the public’s perspective to the most diverse horizons that Education in Soils contemplates. According to the organizers, the desire is to unite those who care for soils with their different perspectives, in order to integrate the multidisciplinary approach and reinforce that Soil Education is a necessary present and future aspiration for all generations.
Losses to soil science
The first half of 2022 was one of great losses for Brazilian soil science. Researchers who made great contributions to teaching and research and were much loved by their students and co-workers will be missed and will leave a legacy that will last forever. Are they:
- PauloTito Klinger Jacamine (UFRPE), March 13th.
- João Mielniczuk (UFRGS), March 27th
- Víctor Hugo Alvarez Venegas (UFV), June 19th
- Jairo Roberto Jimenez-Rueda (Unesp), July 10th
The tribute to each of them can be seen in the news published on the SBCS website.
22nd World Congress of Soil Science
More than two thousand people participated in the 22nd World Soil Science Congress promoted by the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), in Glasgow, Scotland, between the 31st of July and the 5th of August. The event was held in a hybrid format, with around 800 people participating virtually. Twenty Brazilians participated virtually and SBCS was represented by the former president and current advisor, Gonçalo Signorelli de Farias.
The next two World Soil Science Congresses will be in China in 2026 and in Canada in 2030. Find out more at: https://22wcss.org
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