The book “From the soil sprouts food” the little and curious Júnior meets Ana Terra, mascot of Projeto Solo na Escola/UFCG

The book “From the soil sprouts food” the little and curious Junior meets Ana Terra, mascot of Projeto Solo na Escola/UFCG, to understand how food is born and talks to Mr Solo, who presents him with a world of information, in an enlightening chat about the need for its conservation so that it can produce quality foodAdriana de Fátima Meira Vital – Federal University of Campina Grande – UFCGAccess by clicking here!

“Shoo salinity, leave my soil alone”

“Shoo salinity, leave my soil alone”, promotes an important dialogue between Sales, the saline soil, and Ana Terra, mascot of the Projeto Solo na Escola/UFCG, which brings information about the salinization of soils and guidelines for the appropriate use and management of this extraordinary resource of Nature.Adriana de Fátima Meira Vital – Federal University of Campina Grande, UFCGAccess by clicking here!