Soil Fertility – SBCS

This publication constitutes a landmark in the evolution of teaching and applicability of soil fertility in the productive process of Brazilian agriculture.Although our country occupies a prominent place in the development of research involving the management of fertility in soils in tropical regions and the generation of advanced technologies in this area of knowledge, with a large number of publications by Brazilian authors, in general, the approach was taken , in most cases, in afragmented. This forced students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as other technicians who make use of this area of knowledge, to turn to various publications if they wanted to have access to more complete and comprehensive information on the subject.The great merit of this book, Soil Fertility, which is part of the series of textbooks being published by the Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS), is to present, in a single publication, the vast knowledge generated in recent decades in this segment involving basic concepts, diagnostic techniques, interpretations of the results of this diagnosis to the appropriate criteria for recommending correctives and fertilizers to correct possible problems for the most diverse soil conditions, climates and Brazilian cultures.Covering eighteen chapters, prepared by renowned Brazilian professors and researchers, in a total of 1017 pages, this book deals, in chapter I, with a description of the interrelationships of soil fertility and agricultural productivity, with emphasis on historical aspects of its evolution in the world and notable facts in Brazil. Chapters II, III and IV involve a discussion of plant growth factors, elements required for plant nutrition and the soil-plant relationship, which are basic principles indispensable for understanding soil fertility in its broadest sense. In chapters V to and fertilizers. Chapters XII to XIV cover the discussion on production, characteristics and properties of fertilizers, assessment of soil fertility, recommendation and management of fertilizer (application methods, location and time), among other topics. Chapters XV to XVIII cover soil fertility and its management for very specific conditions, involving these aspects in direct planting systems, in soils affected by salts and in degraded areas, systems that, due to their peculiarities, deserve special treatment. Finally, chapter XVIII deals with the fertility and sustainability of agricultural activity, with emphasis on tropical soils, which are naturally infertile.We are certain that the knowledge contained in this publication will significantly contribute to the consolidation of Brazil as a major global power in the production of food, agro-energy and other rural products, by increasing agricultural production and productivity in a more economical way, sustainable and socially responsible.It is worth highlighting the great effort of the authors of the various chapters and, in particular, the tireless work of coordinating and editing this book, a team led by Professor Roberto Ferreira de Novais, from the Federal University of Viçosa, Chief Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Soil Science, who, with selflessness, detachment and critical spirit, managed to bring to fruition this work of relevant importance for the academic context and for Brazilian agribusiness. Alfredo Scheid LopesAgricultural Engineer, MS, PhD.Professor Emeritus at the Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG.Technical Consultant of the National Association for Fertilizer Diffusion, São Paulo, SP. Specifications: Title Fertilidade do Solo Publishers Roberto Ferreira Novais, Víctor Hugo Alvarez V., Nairam Félix de Barros, Renildes Lúcio F. Fontes, Reinaldo Bertola Cantarutti Júlio César Lima Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo ISBN 978-85-86504-08-2 Year 2007 Language Português Pages 1017 Content I – SOIL FERTILITY AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY Alfredo Scheid Lopes & Luiz Roberto Guimarães Guilherme II – FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS Egon J. Meurer III – ELEMENTS REQUIRED FOR PLANT NUTRITION Antonio Roque Dechen & Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall IV – SOIL RELATIONSHIP -PLANT Roberto Ferreira Novais & Jaime Wilson Vargas de Mello V – SOIL ACIDITY AND ITS CORRECTION Djalma Martinhão Gomes de Sousa, Leo Nobre de Miranda & Sebastião Alberto de Oliveira VI – SOIL ORGANIC MATTER Ivo Ribeiro da Silva & Eduardo de Sá Mendonça VII – NITROGEN Heitor Cantarella VIII – PHOSPHORUS Roberto Ferreira Novais, T. Jot Smyth & Flancer Novais Nunes IX – POTASSIUM Paulo Roberto Ernani, Jaime Antônio de Almeida & Flávia Cristina dos Santos & Nilza de Fátima Pereira Prieto & Roberto Ferreira Novais XIV – FERTILIZATION MANAGEMENT Carlos Alberto Ceretta, Leandro Souza da Silva & Aurélio Pavinato Galvão dos Santos Freire & Fernando José Freire XVII – SOIL FERTILITY AND ITS MANAGEMENT IN DEGRADED AREAS Luiz Eduardo Dias, Avilio Antônio Franco & Eduardo Francia Carneiro Campello XVIII – SOIL FERTILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITY Wenceslau J. Goedert & Sebastião Alberto de Oliveiraro Campello XVIII – FERTILIDADE DO SOLO E SUSTENTABILIDADE DA ATIVIDADE AGRÍCOLA Wenceslau J. Goedert & Sebastião Alberto de Oliveira
Soil Physics – Southern Regional Center

Preface The Soil Physics book is the result of a joint effort by the Southern Regional Center of the Brazilian Soil Science Society. It has teachers in the area linked to various Institutions and Courses in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. The construction of the Soil Physics book stems from an old desire and was carried out by many “hands” and is intended, primarily, to be used in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The growth and development of agriculture, as well as livestock and forestry is a national reality, requiring technicians with solid knowledge of the basis of production systems – the soil. The work will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about four of the five basic factors associated with plant growth and development – air, water, heat and soil resistance. The chapters of the Soil Physics book present the basic concepts and relationships concerning the physical conditions of soils with the main focus on regional and national research results, without losing the consolidated global concept. Users will find a work with content used in teachers’ daily lives, facilitating understanding and perfect definition of the characteristic, property or process, as well as access to bibliographic references made available to students. We can say that it is an unprecedented work in the area, in Brazil. Congratulations, Southern Regional Center of SBCS, congratulations editors and teachers, authors. Dalvan José Reinert, Dr. Full Professor of Soils – UFSM Chapters and Authors I – Brief history of Soil Physics Jose Miguel Reichert, Eduardo Saldanha Vogelmann II – Soil as a three-phase system Jose Miguel Reichert, Milton da Veiga, Danilo Rheinheimer dos Santos, Jackson Adriano Albuquerque III – Soil structure and aggregation Cláudia Liane Rodrigues de Lima, Douglas Rodrigo Kaiser IV – Soil density and porosity Cleudson José Michelon, Douglas Rodrigo Kaiser, Marta Sandra Drescher, João Alfredo Braida V- Soil consistency Jose Miguel Reichert, Vanderlei Rodrigues da Silva, João Alfredo Braida, Jackson Adriano Albuquerque VI – Soil compaction Marta Sandra Drescher, Douglas Rodrigo Kaiser, Cláudia Liane Rodrigues de Lima, João Alfredo Braida VII – Soil aeration Dalvan José Reinert, Paulo Ivonir Gubiani VIII – Soil thermal energy Paulo Ivonir Gubiani, Dalvan José Reinert IX – Water in the soil Douglas Rodrigo Kaiser, Vanderlei Rodrigues da Silva X – Water flow in the soil Jackson Adriano Albuquerque, Paulo Ivonir Gubiani, Milton da Veiga, Jose Miguel Reichert XI – Soil physical quality indicators Eduardo Saldanha Vogelmann, João Alfredo Braida, Marta Sandra Drescher Specifications: Book Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo ISBN 978-65-89469-70-4 Language Português Pages 344
Fundamentals of Soil Micromorphology

Preface After a long and anxious wait, the first book on Fundamentals of Soil Micromorphology was published in Brazil, written in Portuguese and authored by two Brazilian micromorphologists. A complete achievement! During decades of application of the technique, pedologists and other Brazilian users who observe the soil on its microscopic scale resented the lack of a work of this size and with the characteristics with which it is presented to us. The book is aimed mainly at students and beginners in scientific research on soils, in particular on diagnostic microstructures of pedogenetic processes and behavior and functioning of current and past soils. Despite there being international works, especially in English, aimed at this objective, the authors bring their own experience and that of other researchers in Brazil who use the technique in their research in all segments of the book. All examples presented are from Brazilian soils. Fundamentals of Micromorphology is organized into three parts: Part I – in which the authors present what Soil Micromorphology is, how it is best used, emphasizing that microscopic observations do not exclude others, including the landscape in which the soil is located , its history in the Western world and in Brazil, highlighting the role of main authors such as Kubiena, Brewer, Fitzpatrick and Stoops, among others. It also shows its applications, which are increasing within and outside Soil Science. They consider it as a morphoanalytical tool or technique, therefore of soil morphology, carried out on a microscopic scale with the aid of a petrographic optical microscope, without prejudice to enriching it with complementary analyses, such as ultra and submicroscopy, in addition to image analysis. In Part II – the authors discuss techniques for collecting and preparing soil samples for microscopic analysis, with emphasis on the main equipment in use and protocols for manufacturing polished blocks for analyzing digital images, especially pores, and slides thin for optical microscopy. Finally, in Part III, the basic instructions for identifying and describing the solid constituents, distributed in two fractions, the coarse and the fine, and associated pores, of the arrangements among themselves are described, configuring the pedofactories and their microstructures, highlighting the types that are already quite known, as well as pedological features resulting from natural pedogenic processes, whether past or present, or induced by soil use and management. The authors’ partnership in preparing this book comes from their history of work in the area. Professor Selma Simões de Castro promoted Soil Micromorphology in Postgraduate Studies and Research at the Department of Geography at USP from 1990 to 1996 and at the Department of Soil Science at ESALQ/USP from 1986 to 1996. From the 1990s to the present He gave training courses and training in the technique for which he organized and published three booklets, 1 printed in 1989, and 2 digitally, in 2002 and 2008. Professor Miguel Cooper continued Profa’s activities. Selma at ESALQ/USP and advanced even further in its applications, incorporating it into her research, teaching and extension routine, especially in Physics and Soil Management and Conservation. With significant support and resources from the Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior – CAPES, applied to the Postgraduate Program in Soils and Plant Nutrition, the collaboration of partners via the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP, and the With funds from the University of São Paulo allocated to the Department of Soil Science at ESALQ-USP, Professors Selma and Miguel transformed, each in their own time, the old sector of impregnation and preparation of thin layers of soil that had been operating since the 1970s in an incipient form, in the current Soil Micromorphology Laboratory (LABMICRO) at ESALQ/USP, which also includes a microscopy and image analysis sector, today a reference in Brazil and open to all users who need it. At LABMICRO, Prof. Miguel Cooper modernized and consolidated the protocol for preparing thin sections and polished blocks of soils and related materials, which was incorporated here in Part II, as well as notably advancing work on analyzing images of soil porosity, having developed the SPIA – Soil Pore Image Analysis. As can be seen, this is a pair of researchers committed to ensuring that Soil Micromorphology is within the reach of the scientific community in Brazil and that it is increasingly used in its applications. The book is a manual or guide in Portuguese, in which the authors integrated their respective experiences in order to transmit what they learned, learn and teach in Soil Micromorphology, in a simple and clear language, suitable for fundamentals. The Brazilian Society Book Publishers Selma Simões de Castro Miguel Cooper Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Edition 1ª Edição Pages 240
Soil and Water Management and Conservation

The Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS) began, in 2002, a major project with the publication of textbooks on various topics related to Soil Science.These books have become a reference in all Agricultural Sciences courses in Brazil, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, thanks to the topicality of the themes and depth of approach. With the presentation of this volume, focusing on Soil and Water Management and Conservation, SBCS explains its concern for our soil under constant threat, presenting a work with a broad approach, carried out by professionals of recognized competence and committed to sustainability. Covering practically all the scenarios and connections necessary for soil and water management and conservation, this compendium will be a mandatory reference for all professionals and schools linked to Soil Science. There are 42 topics covered by 156 highly qualified professionals who are knowledgeable about the diversity of soils and management from North to South and East to West of this immense Brazil.Only scientific societies of the size of SBCS have the strength and competence to structure a project of this scale. Special attention is given to management, erosion control and soil and water conservation in the main Brazilian cultivation environments, as they are extensive areas, with high production and deserve a lot of attention and care. We live in a new agricultural scenario. Brazil, which until the 1970s was a food importer, today practices intensive agriculture and is part of the world stage. Therefore, intense care must be taken with the management and conservation of soil and water. Arthur Mangarino Torres Filho’s phrase in his graduation speech at the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ) in 1910: “The soil is the Fatherland, cultivating it is making it greater”, became the motto of Revista O Soil. Today we would have to adapt it to the new times: “The Soil is the Homeland, cultivating and conserving it is enhancing it and guaranteeing sustainability and life”. When we come across a book like this, we come to mind how many professionals contributed anonymously or not to this wealth of knowledge. And the desire to list them all is great. The possibility of inadvertently leaving someone off the list, too! Therefore, we chose an agronomy luminary to represent the large cast of collaborators. Agricultural Engineer Dr. Fernando Penteado Cardoso, graduated in 1936 from ESALQ, has always been concerned with soil and water conservation, starting with his properties. While the IAC began implementing collection plots to measure land and water losses due to erosion in the early 1940s, reports from the Soil Conservation Section showed photographic records of contour cordons already deployed on their properties. This conservationist procedure was recognized with a significant tribute in 1991, on the occasion of the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of Soil Conservation at the São Paulo State Department of Agriculture. With the arrival of direct seeding concepts in the 1970s, it once again stood out as a leader in the dissemination of this cultivation system, which culminated in 2001 with the creation of the Agrisus Foundation, whose mission is to support projects in Sustainable Agriculture. The sustainability referred to by Dr. Fernando Penteado Cardoso is perfectly understood in one of his favorite phrases: “The soil is an asset that we borrow from our successors”. When we were finishing these lines, we received the publication Manejo e Conservação do Solo no Agreste Pernambucano, authored by Moacyr Britto de Freitas, Eliane Nogueira Choudhury and Clementino M. B. de Faria, with a preface by Manoel Abílio de Queiroz, which I take the liberty of , partially reproduce below: In the 1940s, a researcher began, on his own, to investigate the future of soils in the Northeast, systematically and uninterruptedly for a quarter of a century.An analysis of the research carried out by Agricultural Engineer Moacyr Britto de Freitas reveals a deep identity with the reality of regional problems.Therefore, its results are an exhortation to the new generation of technicians to offer northeastern agriculture the approach and methodology appropriate to the semi-arid tropical environment that characterizes the region. In addition to the scientific value of the publication, it represents the recognition of the Agricultural Research Center of the Semi-Arid Tropics (CPATSA) for the effort, persistence, detachment and sensitivity of that researcher who, for so long, immersed himself in investigating a problem whose The consequences, although only visible in the long term, are extremely limiting for the satisfactory development of regional agriculture. Our compliments to SBCS and the authors for providing us with this work that is so important for the management and conservation of Brazilian soils and for the continued success of our country. Book Edition 1ª Edição
Arbuscular mycorrhizae: concepts, methodologies and applications

PRESENTATION The Laboratory of Mycorrhizal Associations (LAMIC-UFV) began in 1979 with professor Margarida Matos de Mendonça, focusing her studies on ectomycorrhizae of pine and eucalyptus. Later, Rosa Maria Castro Muchovej took over and continued her studies with ectomycorrhizae, but also emphasized arbuscular mycorrhizae. The laboratory is currently coordinated by professor Maria Catarina Megumi Kasuya, who has included studies with orchid mycorrhizae since 1995. LAMIC-UFV has carried out, especially in recent years, more than scientific production. It constitutes a symbiotic nucleus for exchanging knowledge and carrying out teaching and extension activities. Thus, it includes elementary and secondary school students, as well as undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoctoral students from various courses, inside and outside UFV. In addition, it has carried out extension activities and diverse partnerships with the non-academic community, including companies, foundations, rural producers, nurserymen, agricultural, forestry and environmental restoration technicians. This book was carefully prepared to fill a gap related to the lack of teaching materials on arbuscular mycorrhizae, for which LAMIC-UFV has accumulated experience over 40 years. Currently, LAMIC members have taught two to three mycorrhiza courses per year, in addition to lectures and workshops. We welcome students from the Department of Microbiology and other departments at UFV, including other Campuses, as well as students from other institutions, such as IFES, UFES, IFRO, IFMG, the University of Laval (Quebec – Canada), the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), the University of La Plata (Argentina), the Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú (Peru), the Nihon Univerity (Japan), the National Museum of Natural History (France), the University of Hokkaido (Japan ), from the University of Lisbon (Portugal), among others. This book aims to present the biology, techniques and information about arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which LAMIC has been using, often adapting and/or improving, in order to contribute to expanding understanding not only about the ecology and distribution of AMF, but also on activities related to the prospecting and use of these microorganisms. Thus, AMF will be presented as biotechnological tools capable of increasing the productivity and sustainability of production systems, whether they are more intensive or socioculturally more traditional. In this way, this book represents a landmark for mycorrhizologists at the beginning of their training. This book is for you, reader, who seeks advances in studies and research practices carried out on the mutualistic association of plant roots with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Paulo Prates Junior Maria Catariana Megumi Kasuya Specifications: Title Micorrizas Arbusculares: conceitos, metodologias e aplicações Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Pages 122 Year 2021 Language Português
Experimental Matrices – SBCS

PRESENTATION If someone had proposed me to write a book of memoirs it would have been very difficult to choose the topic. If from my travels as a professional student. From the Research Institutes where I interned and the Universities where I studied. Of the Churches and Museums, Monuments and Ruins that I visited and admired. However, he would not have the knowledge, time or capacity for these endeavors. Back from Chile, after visiting the city of Puerto Montt, center of salmon production and exportation, the city of Puerto Varas, city of roses, of Frutillar, a city of 15,000 inhabitants and a theater for 2,500 spectators, a must see the Andes mountain range, the Todos los Santos lake, finding a way to Bariloche, contemplating and spending the end of 2017 on the shores of Llanquihue lake, crowned by the Osorno and Carbunclo volcanoes, I felt lazy to resume work in the Department of Soils at the Federal University of Viçosa, until someone whispered in his ear “be ashamed and write about Experimental Matrices” My subconscious had been demanding this book, which would be about the memories of acquiring very specific knowledge throughout my undergraduate, specialization, postgraduate studies and as a researcher and teacher in the area of fertility and soil chemistry and plant nutrition. Acquisition in direct contact with my teachers and recommended textbooks and in planning research projects of my work and that of many supervisees and co-supervisors that I have had over 57 years of teaching. My memories therefore return to graduation, to the discipline of Statistical methods and experimental designs with professor Heliodoro Miranda from CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, who, taking advantage of his sabbatical year, taught this discipline at the Escuela de Ingenieria Agronomica de la Universidad Central del Ecuador.The textbook used in this subject was Métodos estadísticos para la Investigación by José Calzada Benza. After graduating, I received a scholarship from FAO to study soil fertility and nutrition of oil palm and coconut plants at IRHO and ORSTOM in Paris, where I studied the subject of Méthodes statistiques en biology et en agronomie with professor André Vessereau and internships at biometrics departments, especially IRHO, IFAC and IRCT, where I met M. Louis Richard, a fact that allowed me to come into contact with his doctoral thesis Les études de nutrition minérale chez les végétaux: Contribution a leur méthodologie. The practical part of my internship was at IRHO, at the Lamé experimental station, Ivory Coast, where I learned about the experimental technique of the missing element and 2k factorials. And in the book from the Abidjan Symposium (1959) on Nutrition minérale et engrais I verified the dispute over preference between factorials and systematic variants. This dispute did not reach Brazil, as during my internship at ESALQ with professors Frederico Pimentel Gomes and Humberto Campos I studied factorials and especially experimental designs. Returning to Ecuador and now as a professor, at the Facultad de Agronomia e Veterinária de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, of Statistical Methods, he acted as a counterpart to Glen Atkinson, advisor to the United Nations for experimental techniques, an opportunity in which he was able to see the resistance he had to accept the use of split-plot designs. During his master’s degree in phytotechnics, at UFV, he was a student of Laede Maffia de Oliveira, a professor who emphasized rigor in the interpretation of analyses. During my doctorate, at the College of Postgraduates in Chapingo, Mexico, I had a great boost in acquiring knowledge in experimental techniques and especially in experimental matrices, in classes, with professors Antonio Turrent Fernández and Regis Lair. As a professor at UFV, I had the satisfaction of guiding many students, each project was a challenge to find the best matrix and the best experimental design, to be able to adequately test the hypotheses and achieve the objectives. This enriched my knowledge, my memories, especially through Roberto de Aquino Leite’s thesis. Experimental matrices constitute an important chapter of the postgraduate course, Soil Fertility Assessment, of the Soil and Plant Nutrition program at UFV. Throughout the text an effort was made to use for numbers, not the name of the number, but the corresponding digits from 0 to 9. 2 repetitions are 2 repetitions; 4 solos, 4 solos and that’s it. This book is not to be read, it is to be studied. It is to be understood and not memorized. It was imagined as a source of consultation for researchers, so that when generating scientific knowledge they are prepared, like me, to Know how to do it and Know how to do it well (Savoirfair! et Fair comme il faut!). Victor Hugo Alvarez V. Specification: Year 2021 Title Matrizes Experimentais Publishers Víctor Hugo Alvarez V. Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo ISBN 978-65-990664-7-4 Language Português Pages 194 Content Contents Presentation, vii Preface, xi Importance of Experimental Matrices, 1 Relationship between exploratory space and response space, 5 Quality of Experimental Matrices, 9 Experimental Matrices, 14 Experimental Matrices for exploratory research, 15 2k Factorials, 15 Confounding, 17 Orthogonal contrasts, 20 Lotification, 25 Additional treatments, 43 Prolongations, 45 3k Factorials, 46 4k Factorials 53 Baconian Matrices, 62 Mixed Matrices, 68 Missing Element, 75 Matrices for Optimization Research, 79 Level Scales, 79 Choice of Si Value, 81 Experiments 1st Order, 83 2nd order Experiments, 86 Importance of choosing Si, 88 Criteria for choosing the value of , 92 Rotational composite Central Matrix, 98 Rotational composite Central Matrix ½ 25 + 2 × 5 + 6, 102 Composite Central Matrix rotational ½ 24 + 2 × 4 + 6, 109 Central Composite Box modified by Berard, 113 Augmented Box-Berard Matrix (1), 116 Augmented Box-Berard Matrix (3), 118 Double Square Matrices, 122 Escobar Double Square Matrices , 125 Triple Square Matrices, 128 San Cristóbal Experimental Matrices, 134 San Cristóbal Orthogonal Matrices, 140 Plan Puebla Experimental Matrices, 144 Systematic Variants and Cutting Methods and Simplex Centroid, 143 Systematic Variants, 153 Cutting Method, 156 Simplex Centroid, 163 Relationship between Experimental Matrices and experimental designs, 169 Literature consulted, 192 Acknowledgments, 194
Mineral Plant Nutrition – 2nd Edition

The first edition of this book was released just over ten years ago, in 2006. This can be considered the Annus Mirabilis of Plant Nutrition in Brazil, as, in addition to the volume “Mineral Nutrition of Plants”, published by the Brazilian Society of Science of Solo, the “Manual of Mineral Nutrition of Plants” by Professor E. Malavolta and, simultaneously, the Portuguese version of the book by Epstein & Bloom, “Plant Mineral Nutrition: Principles and Perspectives”. Over the past ten years, there has been exponential growth in knowledge and research methods in plant nutrition. The previous period can be considered as that of the classic phenomenological approach, which has as its initial reference Epstein’s book published in 1972, followed by the books by Mengel & Kirkby (1978) and Marchner (1986). The 21st century is accompanied by an enormous volume of scientific knowledge, mainly due to intense research activity using molecular techniques. These techniques allowed us not only to go beyond “deducing” the existence of ion and molecule transporters, as we did thanks to an extraordinary intellectual effort, using velocity versus concentration curves, which showed saturation kinetics, but also to arrive at the identification and to the characterization of many genes that code for ion pumps, carriers and ion channels, as well as the transcription factors that control their expression levels. Also, through molecular and electrophysiology approaches, it was possible to characterize the kinetic properties of different transport proteins and the transport mechanisms involved. Techniques have been developed to study in detail the architecture, morphology and anatomy of the root system and its responses to changes in the soil environment. It has also become possible to characterize how biotic and abiotic factors affect these processes, the energy balance and the metabolic costs of absorption, accumulation and transport of nutrients in the plant. The availability of this knowledge allows us to identify strategies and mechanisms to achieve greater efficiency in the use of nutrients by plants, with high productivity and the least possible damage to the environment. Due to the advancement of knowledge in plant nutrition, all chapters in this volume have been revised and updated; Furthermore, almost all of them were expanded, some underwent major modifications and others had to be replaced. We took special care in preparing this volume with the clarity and ease of understanding of the topics covered. Original figures were produced and others were adapted for this purpose. When necessary, “Boxes”, with a didactic approach, were added to the chapters. The authors of the various chapters did their best to produce a current book, at the frontier of knowledge, that incorporates the advances made by science and can serve as a reference and guidance for students, researchers and teachers in the area of Plant Mineral Nutrition . Manlio Silvestre Fernandes,Department of Soils, Federal Rural University of Rio de JaneiroRio de Janeiro – RJ. Specifications: Book Title Nutrição Mineral de Plantas – 2ª Edição Publishers Manlio Silvestre Fernandes Sonia Regina de Souza Leandro Azevedo Santos Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Edition 2ª Edição Pages 670 Content I – ESSENTIAL AND BENEFICIAL ELEMENTS TO HIGHER PLANTS. Antonio Roque Dechen & Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall II – NUTRITIONAL SOLUTIONS: COMPOSITION, FORMULATION, USES AND ATTRIBUTES. Nilton Nélio Cometti, Pedro Roberto Furlani & Glaucio da Cruz Genuncio III – THE ROOT SYSTEM AND ITS INTERACTIONS WITH THE EDAPHIC ENVIRONMENT. Everaldo Zonta, Felipe da Costa Brasil, Joecildo Francisco Rocha, Leandro Azevedo Santos, Leandro Martins Ferreira, Orlando Carlos Huertas Tavares, Rafael Ribeiro Pimentel, Roberto Oscar Pereira Rossiello & Silvia Regina Goi IV – NUTRIENT ABSORPTION. Manlio Silvestre Fernandes, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Sonia Regina de Souza V – ABSORPTION, TRANSPORT AND REDISTRIBUTION OF ORGANIC FORMS OF NITROGEN IN PLANTS. Cassia Pereira Coelho Bucher, Carlos Alberto Bucher & Sonia Regina de Souza VI – NITRIC OXIDE IN PLANTS. Marcel Giovanni Costa França, Marcelo G. Pedrosa, Marília M.L. Carvalho, José Ronaldo Magalhães, Flavio Couto Cordeiro & Sonia Regina de Souza VII – HUMIC SUBSTANCES AND THEIR EFFECTS ON PLANT NUTRITION. Andrés Calderín García, José Maria García-Mina, Orlando Carlos Huertas Tavares, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Ricardo Luis Louro Berbara VIII – SYMBIOTIC AND ASSOCIATIVE BIOLOGICAL NITROGEN FIXATION. Veronica Massena Reis, Ederson da Conceição Jesus, Stefan Schwab, André Luiz de Martinez de Oliveira, Fábio Lopes Olivares, Vera Lucia Divan Baldani & José Ivo Baldani IX – NITROGEN. Sonia Regina de Souza & Manlio Silvestre Fernandes X – SULFUR. Godofredo Cesar Vitti, Rafael Otto, Julia Savieto, Eduardo Lima & Leandro Azevedo Santos XI – MATCH. Carlos Alberto Bucher, Cassia Pereira Coelho Bucher, Adelson Paulo de Araujo & Marcos Vinícius Loss Sperandio XII – POTASSIUM. Egon José Meurer, Tales Tiecher & Lucia Mattiello XIII – CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM. Eduardo Lima, Godofredo César Vitti, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Fernanda Cicarone XIV – MICRONUTRIENTS. Antonio Roque Dechen, Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall, Quirino Augusto de Camargo Carmello, Leandro Azevedo Santos & Marcus Vinícius Loss Sperandio XV – BENEFICIAL ELEMENTS. Gaspar Henrique Korndörfer & Sonia Regina de Souza XVI – MORE THAN A DECADE OF RESEARCH ON ALUMINUM IN PLANTS: PROGRESS IN TOXIDITY AND STRESS TOLERANCE MECHANISMS. Roberto Oscar Pereyra Rossiello, Everaldo Zonta & Carlos Alberto Bucher XVII – MECHANISMS OF PLANT TOLERANCE TO HEAVY METALS. André Marques dos Santos, Fabiana Soares dos Santos, Nelson Moura Brasil do Amaral Sobrinho & Ana Carolina Callegario Pereira
Soil Chemistry – Southern Regional Center

Presentation The textbooks of the Southern Regional Center (NRS) of the Brazilian Soil Science Society (SBCS) were designed based on one of the actions proposed by the NRS board during the 2018-2020 mandate, an initiative maintained by the board with a mandate in 2020 -2022. The great motivator for the creation of these books was the possibility of generating quality teaching material, which could be used universally in all disciplines involving Soil Science within the scope of teaching in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of the States of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Santa Catarina (SC). In addition to collaborating to disseminate, disseminate and promote the NRS-SBCS in HEIs, these works make it possible to present both the basic knowledge existing in other works and an updated and specific look at the demands and regional experiences of RS and SC. It is, therefore, an unprecedented collective initiative, which brought together in 6 books more than 114 professors who teach Soil Science subjects at 18 Universities and 3 Institutes in RS and SC. NRS-SBCS Board of Directors Chapters and Authors 1 – SOIL FORMATION AND ITS CONSTITUTIONÉlvio Giasson, Alberto Vasconcellos Inda, Paulo César do Nascimento 2 – SOIL MINERALS AND THEIR PROPERTIESDiovane Freire Moterle, Edson Campanhola Bortoluzzi 3 – SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: PROPERTIES, REACTIONS AND PROCESSESDeborah Pinheiro Dick, Daniel Hanke 4 – THE SOIL SOLUTIONAmanda Posselt Martins, Ibanor Anghinoni, Egon José Meurer 5 – SURFACE REACTIONS AT THE SOLID PHASE-SOIL SOLUTION INTERFACEDanilo Rheinheimer dos Santos, Leandro Souza da Silva, Tales Tiecher 6 – SOIL ACID-BASE REACTIONSCarlos Alberto Bissani, Paulo Roberto Ernani 7 – SOIL OXYREDUCTION REACTIONSRogério Oliveira de Sousa, Filipe Selau Carlos, Leandro Souza da Silva 8 – SOIL SALINIZATIONTales Tiecher, Fábio Joel Kochem Mallmann 9 – SOIL CONTAMINATION AND POLLUTIONTadeu Luis Tiecher, Bárbara Clasen Publishing company Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo ISBN 978-65-89469-79-7 Language Português Pages 320