Newsletter SBCS 01/2020 (Março/Abril)

This is the first edition of the SBCS Newsletter. We intend to regularly send, by email, news from our Centers, Divisions, Commissions, Executive Secretariat and facts related to soil science. Editorial In the editorial of this first edition, we remind you that this Newsletter is circulating during a very difficult and different period for all of us with the new coronavirus pandemic. SBCS reaffirms its commitment to constantly searching for new forms of communication, just as we will find new ways to live with the changes that the pandemic will bring to us. SBCS secretary works from home and works via WhatsApp During this period of the pandemic, you can contact SBCS via WhatsApp! It’s very easy and allows SBCS to continue serving you normally, while preserving employee isolation. Write down the numbers in your diary and don’t forget to identify yourself when sending your messages! SBCS speaks out in favor of research funding with MCTIC In March, SBCS publicly spoke out against Capes Ordinance 34/2020, which changed the criteria for distributing scholarships for postgraduate programs in the country. In April, SBCS wrote again to Minister Marcos Pontes demanding the definition of priority programs to support basic research and requesting more dialogue between the scientific community and MCTIC in relation to defining priorities for Brazilian science for the coming years. Also in April, SBCS responded to the call of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and, through social media, encouraged its members to participate in the Virtual March for Science. SBCS celebrates National Soil Conservation Day and Earth Day To celebrate Soil Day, on April 15, SBCS asked some people who work in this area to record short videos saying what should be celebrated and what are the challenges for soil and water conservation in Brazil. The videos were published on the SBCS accounts on Facebook and Instagram and viewed by almost five thousand people, in addition to several interactions praising the initiative. We did the same with the Earth Day celebration on April 22nd. If you haven’t seen the videos on our social media. SBCS launches book that maps soil education initiatives in Brazil The book is the result of the actions of Division IV (Soil, Environment and Society) of the SBCS and brings together 78 activities that were registered by the respective coordinators in the “National Database of Soil Education Initiatives”. Launch!Reflections on scientific production The book is a collection of 13 articles published in the SBCS Newsletter and which had professor Victor Hugo Alvarez V. (UFV) as the first author. The themes revolve around statistics, experimental techniques   and the zeal for good and necessary rigor in the use of variables, values ​​and units. Its scope goes beyond soil science because it deals with science in its very nature and forms of expression through numbers and equations! The launch price, until June 30th, will be R$41.00 for members and R$49.00 for non-members. More information and sales at the SBCS virtual store or via WhatsApp (31) 3612-4542 Pandemic postpones SBCS events The difficulties brought about by the need for social distancing and the lack of perspectives on the outcome of the pandemic led SBCS to postpone the events scheduled for 2020. Acts of the SBCS presidency Check out the acts produced and signed by President Lúcia Anjos, using her legal powers in 2019. The objective is to provide transparency to the acts of the presidency, all of them supported by the SBCS Statute. Article Earth: conserve to (survive) In the month of April, we celebrate two important dates for soil science: National Soil Conservation Day, April 15th, and Earth Day on April 22nd. We asked professor Maria Leonor Lopes Assad, from the Federal University of São Carlos, to reflect on the dates amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsletter SBCS 02/2020 (Maio/agosto)

Editorial Aware of the changes brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, SBCS quickly sought to adapt to the demands of this new virtual time. This is how, since July, we entered the era of lives and the two we have promoted so far have been a success. To organize them, the SBCS board, in partnership with the Specialized Divisions, are looking for topics of great interest in the different areas of soil science to promote these large virtual meetings with open and free access and with broad interactivity through questions from participants. participants. The SBCS lives have already been seen by around two thousand people, live, or recorded on the SBCS YouTube channel. And we are already scheduling the next ones! To follow our programming, you must subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow our social media. Event organizers also mobilized to adapt to pandemic demands. The events promoted by SBCS will be completely online until participants are safe to return to social life! The Southern Brazilian and Northeastern Soil Science Meetings, as well as the Soil Education Symposium, will bring together an excellent program thanks to the greater ease of inviting speakers from all over the world. Registration will entitle you to certificates and there will be a presentation of work, just as happens in in-person events. SBCS’ social media is able to share works, lives, lectures and soil science initiatives throughout Brazil, as well as other useful news for those who work in teaching and research. August is the anniversary month of the Brazilian Soil Science Society! And this is how, by connecting soil science across all platforms, we reach 73 years of age with the flexibility to adapt to the changes that the world demands. We don’t know what the new normal will be like, but SBCS will be building this future together with our partners and participants in favor of Brazilian science. The lives on the different topics of soil science Live sessions have already been held on the challenges of teaching soils remotely and on pedology and the environment: knowledge of soils and their applications. The lives can still be seen on the SBCS YouTube channel Events promoted by SBCS will be completely online The events promoted by SBCS will be completely online until the end of the pandemic or until safety conditions exist for participants. Distance events will provide better conditions for scheduling great speakers and will all allow the presentation of work and the issuance of certificates. Stay tuned for news on SBCS social media. The VI Northeastern Soil Science Meeting will take place between the 1st and 2nd of December, promoted by the Núcleo Nordentes of SBCS. The XIII South Brazilian Soil Science Meeting will be held by the South Regional Center on the 26th and 27th of November The X Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education, sponsored by Division 4, will take place in March 2021. Rattan Lal awarded the World Food Prize 2020 Former President of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), Rattan Lal, has been chosen to receive the 2020 World Food Prize for developing and integrating a soil-centric approach to increasing food production while restoring and conserving natural resources and mitigates climate change. Catalog of Soil Education Articles in Brazil The Catalog is now available on the SBCS website and compiles information, summaries and links to 150 articles, published in scientific journals, on the topic “Education on Solo”, from 1998 to the first half of 2020. The catalog was produced by the team of the Solo University Extension Program at the School of the Federal University of Paraná in support of the Soils, Environment and Society Division of SBCS. SBCS launches e-book “Method for studying mycorrhiza in orchids” In this book, the authors compile more than 20 years of experience acquired in Brazil and abroad on how to research and investigate the presence of mycorrhizal fungi in orchids. The publication describes how to isolate these fungi, how to promote the symbiotic germination of orchids, how to perform the morphological characterization of fungi, DNA extraction methods, next generation sequencing and how to investigate ecological issues such as carbon flow between the orchid, mycorrhizal fungus and environment. With detailed, well-illustrated and easy-to-understand material, the The objective is to disseminate this still timid but very promising line of research. The book is a production of the Núcleo Leste of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science. SBCS mourns the death of professor Alfredo Sheid Lopes SBCS announces, with great regret, the death of Professor Alfredo Scheid Lopes, which occurred on May 23rd, victim of cancer. Professor emeritus at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) he was known by students and co-workers as Alfredão, not only because he attracted attention due to his stature, but also because of the charisma and affection he always gave to everyone around him. He would have turned 83 in December. SBCS loses Luiz Bezerra de Oliveira It is with great regret that SBCS announces the death of its oldest partner and, certainly, one of the most active. Luiz Bezerra de Oliveira is considered the living memory of the Brazilian Soil Science Society. His name has been in the official history of SBCS since 1965 when he joined the board as a counselor. Before that, he already participated in events and was enthusiastic about the idea of ​​bringing together people interested in soil science in Brazil. He passed away on August 17th, aged 96, in Recife (PE).

Newsletter SBCS Agosto/Dezembro 2021

5.000 / 5.000Editorial The year 2020 was one of losses for everyone, but also of learning, adaptation and overcoming. It would be no different at SBCS. We learned how to hold online events, live streams, social media discussions, remote classes, etc. Forms of communication already used in other areas have finally been incorporated into our daily lives. Distances became shorter in virtual form. The importance of scientific dissemination was highlighted, beyond academia and to other audiences, democratizing access to major themes and names in soil science, in Brazil and abroad. In 2020, science revealed its ability to contribute, in the short term, to facing the impact of this terrible pandemic, when efforts and resources are made available. Also noteworthy in Brazil is the importance of public health institutions, the agricultural sector, universities and the various research sectors that have proven to be lifelines for the Brazilian population, for the economy based on agriculture and for the production of knowledge of quality. If we did not do more, it was due to the lack of governance in these sectors, the lack of planning of integrated actions, based on science, and the drastic reduction of investments in important sectors for research financing in Brazil, such as CNPq and CAPES. Looking to a better future, in 2021 we envision the adaptations that led us to value interinstitutional partnerships as a way of working, such as the PronaSolos technological platform; the valorization of soil biodiversity, the theme of the World Year of Soil in 2020; bringing soil science closer to its users, farmers and managers, developing applied knowledge and technological innovations for sustainable soil management; the overcoming required by forms of remote teaching and the “discovery” of education in soil science, so important for disseminating soil knowledge to society in general and in the training of new generations; the revelation of young soil scientists, including in areas other than agriculture, will change the SBCS.And these changes are very welcome. Some examples of the actions of SBCS in 2020 and its members are presented in the December Newsletter.We hope you enjoy reading and feel encouraged to become members of SBCS in 2021. We need your support as a member, so that we can continue on the path of representing you in discussions on important topics in the country, always disseminating knowledge in science. soil for the entire Brazilian society. A Happy New Year to everyone Lucia Anjos President of SBCS 2020, the year of lives! The difficulty in bringing people together at in-person events, caused by the new coronavirus pandemic, also led SBCS to seek new ways of disseminating soil science. Following the trend of lives, SBCS promoted five events from August to December. The lives were a public success, reaching thousands of people, throughout Brazil and with participants abroad. For the president of SBCS, Lúcia Anjos, the experience is here to stay. “Even after the pandemic, when we can meet and hold in-person events again, we will still have the option of promoting hybrid events and major lectures and debates around soil science topics through live streams. They are democratic and reach audiences across soil science and also have the advantage of being able to be seen at any time and included in activities at various educational institutions in Brazil. This was a legacy of this pandemic period that leaves us with a good lesson” said the president.The lives can be seen on the SBCS YouTube channel (sbcs.solos). Mapa launches PronaSolos technological platform The platform brings together maps and soil data produced by the Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM), Embrapa, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), state and regional bodies and universities in a geographic information system. The launch marks the beginning of the operation of the National Soil Information System. The first version of the platform includes the data portal, which makes available the different soil mappings and other basic topics through a SigWeb system, while the knowledge portal, integrated with SigWeb, makes available the different interpretations made based on the soil maps . SBCS celebrates World Soil Art Day At the beginning of November, SBCS promoted a daily campaign on its social media to encourage its members and followers to promote scientific dissemination actions that had soil as a theme. Throughout the month, we offer suggestions on how to popularize soil science and topics to cover. On December 5th, World Soil Day, Brazil had already registered more than 70 events on the FAO World Map.At least 10% of world events were promoted in Brazil, in the middle of the pandemic. Very good! Brazilians are successful in producing children’s books about soils in an international competition Three teams of Brazilians were among the ten finalists in the international competition to produce a book for children about Soil Biodiversity. Brazil registered 12 entries and occupied 3rd, 7th and 9th places and also recorded five honorable mentions. The “Children’s Book Contest on Soil Biodiversity” was launched through a partnership between the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), FAO/UN and the Global Soil Alliance (GSP) to celebrate World Soil Day, in 2020. Organizers of the Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting invest in online transmission technology to ensure the success of the event With the theme “Knowledge applied to the countryside and the city”, the Southern Regional Center (NRS) of the SBCS held the XIII Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting, on the 26th and 27th of November 2020. For the first time in history, the Meeting took place virtually, aiming to comply with prevention and social distancing measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The XIII Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting had 323 registrants from 18 states, the majority from the NRS coverage area (47% from Rio Grande do Sul and 16% from Santa Catarina). Organizing committee evaluates holding of the VI Northeastern Soil Science Meeting The event was held entirely online and brought together 802 participants. The program included 24 thematic conferences, involving 54 speakers, four of whom were foreigners. The opening conference was given

Newsletter SBCS Janeiro/Julho de 2021

SBCS live season opens in 2021 After the success of the lives, promoted last year, SBCS opened the 2021 season talking about Soil Biology. The live was promoted by Division 2 of the SBCS on April 13th. SBCS is also supporting lives promoted by Regional Centers and on soil science topics through dissemination in its media. Our lives already have thousands of views and can be watched on our YouTube channel. SBCS and Embrapa present proposal from PronaSolos University The president of SBCS, Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ) has participated, together with Embrapa, in virtual meetings to present the PronaSolos University proposal for training and qualification in soils and related topics. Training in soils is one of the objectives of the PronaSolos Program and will be conducted mainly by SBCS and Brazilian universities that have postgraduate programs in Soils and related areas in Agricultural Sciences with support from partner institutions. SBCS Campaigns SBCS is always promoting awareness campaigns for members and friends on our social media. This quarter, we talk about the challenges of girls and women in science, about the importance of the National Development Fund for Science and Technology (FNDCT), about the valorization of science against denialism, we encourage Scientific Dissemination in the celebration of World Health Day Solo and we encourage prevention standards against Covid-19. Want to know more, follow us on Facebook, You Tube and Instagram (sbcs.solos) The Voice of the Invisible in Society and Academia was the theme of the X Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education The Northeast Center of SBCS promoted, between the 2nd and 5th of March. The X Brazilian Symposium on Soil Education (SBES). The event was organized by the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (Univasf), in partnership with the Federal Institute Baiano (IF Baiano) and the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC). The Symposium’s central theme was “The Voice of the Invisible in Society and Academia” and its objective was to draw the population’s attention to the need to preserve soil, which “is at the center of life on the planet”. Want to know more about arbuscular mycorrhizae? The book, in e-book format, represents an accessible source of various techniques and procedures for the study of arbuscular mycorrhizae and is indispensable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers or simply lovers of this fantastic symbiosis. The e-book was launched by the Eastern Regional Center of SBCS and was organized by the team at the Laboratory of Mycorrhizal Associations (LAMIC-UFV), coordinated by professor Maria Catarina Kasuya. Northeast Regional Center promotes the 1st Northeastern Soil Biology Seminar The Northeast Regional Center promoted, on April 16th and 17th, the 1st Northeastern Soil Biology Seminar. The event was held by the UFC Postgraduate Program in Soil Science under the theme “Ecology and Biotechnological Applications”. The Seminar was completely online and free, attracting more than 1400 registrants from 13 countries and more than 40 public and private institutions. The event was part of the celebrations of National Soil Conservation Day, celebrated on April 15th.Know more. Núcleo Noroeste promotes 1st Workshop on Priority Agroforestry Production Chains in the Amazon The event was promoted between April 26th and 30th by the Núcleo Regional Noroeste and brought together 1,383 participants, who were able to follow an intense program, made up of 66 activities and 112 guests to address the complexities of land use and landscapes in the Amazon. And follow the wind schedule on this YouTube channel. Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative Brazilian soil science stood out at the event promoted virtually by FAO in partnership with the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) and the Science-Policy Interface of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (SPI UNCCD), between April 19th and 23rd. The event aimed to fill critical knowledge gaps, identify scalable solutions to global challenges through increased soil biodiversity, and promote discussion among policymakers, food producers, scientists, professionals and other stakeholders on solutions to live in harmony with the nature. Soil science loses Itamar Andrioli Soil science received, with great sadness, the news of the death of Itamar Andrioli, professor in the Department of Agricultural Production Sciences at UNESP-Jaboticabal campus since 1980. His death occurred on May 10th. Born in Ibitiúva-SP, Itamar Andrioli was part of an important generation of Brazilian pedologists. He contributed to the training of more than two thousand young soil scientists and managers of the new generation spread across Brazil and the world.

SBCS Newsletter August/December 2021

Events promoted by SBCS Regional Centers Paraná The SBCS Paraná Soil Science Center (NEPAR) promoted, on November 17th and 18th, the 7th Paraná Soil Science Meeting. The event was organized by the Soil Group of the State University of the Center-West – UNICENTRO-PR with the theme “High productivity combined with soil conservation”. Northwest The Noroeste Nucleus of SBCS promoted, from November 17th to 20th, the event “Soils and their technologies for the sustainable development of the Amazon”, together with the II Soil Science Meeting of the Noroeste Nucleus which, in turn, had as its theme “Rural space in the development of the Amazon in the 21st century”. The events presented the challenges and opportunities associated with the growth and expansion of land use in the south-western region of the Amazon, with emphasis on the states of Acre and Rondônia, as well as the main advances achieved in soil knowledge and territorial management in this region of the Amazon. The lectures are available on the SBCS channel on YouTube. Western Amazon The Western Amazon Regional Center held, between December 6th and 10th, the III Western Amazon Soil Science Symposium The event included the participation of researchers in the areas of Fertility, Microbiology and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Management and Conservation and Soil Genesis and Mineralogy Regional Centers have new boards Some SBCS Regional Centers elected their new boards this year. Check below the names of the directors and vice-presidents and the links to consult the complete list of directors with terms of office for the 2022/2023 periods. Northwest Regional Center: Election held in May.Director: Karina Thais Lima Burity (Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho, Porto Velho). Deputy director: Elaine de Almeida Delarmelinda Honoré (Federal University of Rondônia Foundation) Northeast Regional Center.Election held in November. Director: Maria Eugenia Ortiz Escobar (UFC, Fortaleza, CE). 1st Deputy Director: Carolina Malala Martins Souza (UFERSA, Mossoró, RN). Paraná State Nucleus: Election held in November.Director Nilvania Aparecida de Mello (UTFPR/Pato Branco). 1st Deputy Director: Nerilde Favaretto (UFPR). Central-West Regional Center:  Election held in November. Director: Rilner Alves Flores (UFG/Goiânia) Deputy director: (Ademir Fontana Embrapa Solos – MS). XXXVIII CBCS will be held in 2023 The next Brazilian Soil Science Congress (CBCS) will be held between July 30 and August 4, 2023, in Florianópolis (SC), together with the XXIII Latin American Soil Science Congress (CLACS). The decision was taken during the meeting of the SBCS Board of Directors, held on June 25th and endorsed by the Latin American Soil Science Society (SLCS) in a meeting held on July 19th, 2021. The event will be chaired by the researcher from Epagri/Ciram, Elisângela Benedet da Silva. The CBCSs are held every two years, in odd-numbered years, but the pandemic made the event unfeasible in 2021. According to Elisângela Benedet, the Organizing Committee has been monitoring the risks of holding the event since the beginning of the pandemic. “We even thought about a fully online or hybrid event, still in 2021 or 2022, but the pandemic scenario has not improved and we think it would be more sensible to postpone it until 2023 and hold it in person, which also helps to make the event financially viable. Even so, we need to constantly monitor the evolution of the pandemic in Brazil and Latin America, but we are confident that we will be able to hold the event completely in person”, said Elisângela, who is also president of SLCS and vice-president of SBCS.The Congress will have the theme “Latin America and the good governance of its soils and biomes: possibility or utopia?”, and will be held at the Costão do Santinho Resort. World Soil Day Once again, SBCS celebrated World Soil Day by encouraging all our partners, Centers and Divisions to promote scientific dissemination events, taking the topic to schools and promoting awareness about the importance of soil and its preservation. The theme for 2021, proposed by the UN, was “Stop soil salinization to increase its productivity”. The salinization of Brazil’s soils is also the subject of a live broadcast promoted by SBCS, on December 7th. Lives on interesting topics in soil science The difficulties in holding in-person events, brought about by the pandemic, did not prevent SBCS from being attentive to the demands of promoting debate and updating contemporary themes. Since the beginning of the pandemic, SBCS has already promoted eight lives of great interest to soil science. All with great public success, with around three thousand spectators each. Furthermore, they are available on the SBCS YouTube channel, making it easier for more people to access them. In this second half of 2021, two lives were held. In November, the live “Soils and Climate Change” debated a very important and current topic for everyone who works with earth sciences. In December, the live broadcast addressed the theme chosen by FAO to celebrate World Soil Day in 2021: “Stop soil salinization to increase its productivity. “ Watch these and other lives on the SBCS channel, on YouTube Book launch on Experimental Matrices Experimental matrices are procedures for defining treatments that make it possible to reconcile hypotheses, objectives, materials and methods in the appropriate use of scientific methodology. In this book, this knowledge, which is of great use and application in science, gains the experienced eye of a master: Professor Víctor Hugo Alvarez V., from the Federal University of Viçosa. His experience of more than 50 years of research and teaching allowed the construction of an authorial book to guide new researchers in the generation of scientific knowledge. In addition to more common procedures, such as factorials, the author presents us with other less-known matrices, but with the potential to contribute to reducing the number of experimental units and treatments, without losing efficiency in statistical evaluation. These are techniques that can also reduce time, costs and expand the possibilities for evaluating responses in laboratory, greenhouse or field experiments. The statistics, behind the experimental matrices, are revealed with examples of application in Soil Science with analyzes of the advantages and disadvantages of each option presented. SBCS promotes

SBCS Newsletter January/July 2022

SBCS turns 75 Created in October 1947, SBCS was the first Ibero-Latin American soil science society. In Brazil, it is even older than the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, the SBPC. The stamp commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science was launched during the live broadcast on soil conservation in Brazil, held on April 12th. Throughout this year, we will talk more about the history and importance of SBCS for valuing soil science and its researchers today and over these 75 years. Watch this and other lives on the SBCS YouTube channel XXXVIII Brazilian Soil Science Congress will be held in person, in Florianópolis, in 2023 The project of the XXIII Latin American Congress of Soil Science (CLACS) and the XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Soil Science (CBCS) is getting off the ground and everyone can help to bring these important events to soil science in Brazil to fruition.The events will be held jointly by Epagri, with promotion and support from SBCS, the Latin American Society of Soil Science (SLCS) and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) from July 30th to August 4th, 2023 in person format, in Florianópolis (SC) at Costão do Santinho Resort.The Congresses will have as their central theme “Latin America and the good governance of its soils and biomes: possibility or utopia?”.They will also feature the VIII Latin American Symposium on Educational Innovations in the Teaching of Soil Science, which should welcome primary and secondary school children and young people from the 18 SLCS member countries, with the possibility of specific special sponsorship.The CLACS/CBCS/2023 Organizing Committee together with Lusch, the company organizing the events, prepared the CLACS/CBCS/2023 Commercial Project, which provides important information about the institutions involved, the public and objectives of the events, location, sponsorship quotas (investments and returns), stands and special sponsorships.Everyone can help in the search for sponsors.Contacts for more information and to request the Commercial Project of the events by The basis for the Pronasolos University was created CAPES approved, in May 2022, the qualification of a consortium of universities to offer a higher education specialization course in Geoprocessing, Soil Survey and Interpretation, in the distance mode and starting in January 2023. The pedagogical project of the course integrates the future proposal of Pronasolos University and its general objective is to train public agents and professionals trained in the identification and recognition of soils, preparation of pedological maps and interpretation of this resource for agricultural and environmental purposes. The trained professionals must work in various activities and institutions, in particular, in the National Soil Survey and Interpretation Program in Brazil (PronaSolos), whose objective is to map Brazilian soils, on scales ranging from 1:25,000 to 1:100,000. The lack of detailed information about Brazilian soils is a serious problem for national development, since, currently, less than 5% of the national territory has soil maps at detailed scales, of 1:100,000 or greater. The creation of the course’s pedagogical project will be the basis for the future Pronasolos University and the first classes will be offered from the first quarter of 2023. It is a partnership of Brazilian Universities, including, initially, UFRRJ, UFV, UFMG, UFRA and UFG , with the support of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). SBCS, through its presidency and its representatives on the Executive Committee of Pronasolos, has directly participated in the negotiations with CAPES and MAPA that led to this favorable result, with a maximum score (5) in the evaluation of the proposals. SBCS is also grateful for the direct collaboration of our former president of SBCS, professor Flavio Camargo, and Embrapa Solos researcher, José Carlos Polidoro, who acted as connecting elements between the Universities, CAPES and MAPA. President of SBCS is reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils Great news for soil science in Brazil. The president of SBCS, professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ), was reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), with a mandate until 2025. For this mandate, 95 experts were appointed for 27 vacancies as effective members. Among these, only four were reappointed, including Brazil. “It is an even greater responsibility to participate in this important panel for global soil science”, said the president of SBCS. The ITPS was created in 2013 by the United Nations (UN) as a panel of experts from around the world to support the actions of the Global Soil Alliance (GSP). Brazil has been present in all three mandates so far as one of the countries in the Latin America and Caribbean macro region, which has five representatives. Professor Lúcia Anjos has represented Brazil since 2018. For this honor, she thanks GSP’s partners in Brazil who nominated her: SBCS, UFRRJ, UFV, UFES, IAC, the Brazilian Federation of the Direct Planting System ((FEBRAPDP) and the Confederation of American Associations for Agriculture Sustainable (CAAPAS). The president of SBCS also had the support of several institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), the Latin American Society of Soil Science and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS). SBCS launches new edition of Topics in Soil Science The Brazilian Soil Science Society has just released another volume in the Topics in Soil Science series. Created in 2000, the series aims to update and simplify access for soil science students, teachers and researchers to topics of great importance to soil science at that time. In this 11th volume, we sought, once again, to offer a set of texts with themes that are at the frontier of knowledge and have great potential for impact on the scientific community, in addition to revisiting classic themes of recognized importance for Brazilian and global science. The texts were written by more than 40 professionals, mixing mature names with outstanding professional experience with new, equally competent specialists who have emerged in recent years, an ideal combination to guarantee the renewal and continuity at a high level of Brazilian soil science. This new volume is edited by: Luiz Francisco Souza-Filho,

Newsletter SBCS Julho/Dezembro de 2022

SBCS promove XIV Reunião Brasileira de Classificação e Correlação de Solos (RCC) Around 90 people participated in the XIV Brazilian Soil Classification and Correlation Meeting, between the 8th and 15th of October.During a week, they traveled 1,800 km between Goiás and Tocantins to better understand the soils of this route and contribute to the improvement of the Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS). The itinerary included a route from south to north of the states of Goiás and Tocantins, from Goiânia (south) to Palmas (north), examining 14 profiles. The excursion allowed us to discover the soils of a region with strong bioclimatic contrasts and landscapes that include areas of savannah, high-altitude fields and extensive alluvial plains of the Araguaia River.The XIV RCC was promoted by the Central-West Regional Center of SBCS and organized by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Embrapa Pesca and Aquaculture, Embrapa Solos, Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano), Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and Association of Agricultural Engineers of Goiás (AEAGO). SBCS launches Soil Education E-Book There are 15 chapters written by 34 authors from 18 different teaching and research institutions, presenting the state of the art of Soil Education in the country. The work is aimed at everyone involved and interested in Soil Education, in different formal or non-formal educational spaces, at different levels of basic or higher education, in university or rural extension, in environmental education actions, and other fields that have interest or involvement with this topic. The book reveals conceptions and reflections regarding the actions of those who assume themselves as educators on land, each in their distinct perception, reality and context. In the chapters Education in Soils is guided by a broad and diverse understanding, and the authors’ texts express this multifaceted vision of the educational process, which makes the work rich in its languages. Organizers: Fabiane Machado Vezzani, Marcelo Ricardo de Lima, Valentim da Silva and Cristine Carole Muggler. Soil Science loses Raphael David dos Santos Embrapa Soils researcher and meritorious member of SBCS, Raphael David dos Santos, passed away at the age of 93, on September 19, in Rio de Janeiro. SBCS sympathizes with family and friends and thanks him for his great contributions to soil science in Brazil. 22nd World Soil Science Congress was held in the United Kingdom More than two thousand people participated in the 22nd World Soil Science Congress promoted by the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) and the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), in Glasgow, Scotland, between the 31st of July and the 5th of August. The event was held in a hybrid format, with around 800 people participating virtually. Twenty Brazilians participated virtually and SBCS was represented by the former president and current advisor, Gonçalo Signorelli de Farias. The next two World Soil Science Congresses will be in China, in 2026, and in Canada, in 2030.Find out more about the World Congress of Soil Science’s programming. World Soil Day 2022 To celebrate World Soil Day, SBCS encouraged, as happens every year, that the Centers, Divisions and partners promote scientific dissemination events in their regions that take the theme “Soils, where food begins” to lay audiences. In addition to campaigns on social media, SBCS also promoted a live broadcast on the same topic on its YouTube channel. In it, researcher Ana Paula Tureta, from Embrapa Solos, and professor Maurício Cherubin, from Esalq/USP, spoke about soil health and its relationship with food security. The live is available on the SBCS YouTube channel Brazil has four children’s books selected in the FAO soil competition To celebrate World Soil Day, the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) launched a scientific children’s book competition on the importance of soils for food and nutrition with the motto “Soils, where it begins The feeding”. Brazil was in third place with the book Special Picnic on World Soil Day, by professor Jully Gabriela Retzlaf, from the State University of Northern Paraná (UENP).Among the best works that will be published by FAO are also the books by Brazilian women. The amazing soil: Our food and our health, by professor Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha Santino, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)Food Sprouts from the Soil, by professor at the Federal University of Campina Grande, Adriana de Fátima Meira Vital.The soil: from knowledge to food, written by professor Adriana Ribon, from the State University of Goiás.SBCS congratulates the teachers and all participants for the work done. SBCS for democracy Throughout this year, especially in the second semester, SBCS demonstrated on its social networks in defense of democracy and the appreciation of Brazilian science. SBCS also endorsed several demonstrations led by the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science with the same objectives. The content of the posts highlighted the commitment of the Brazilian Soil Science Society to safeguarding a country that respects democracy, values ​​Education, cultural, ethnic and religious diversity, the Environment, and that relies on scientific knowledge to overcome immense social and economic challenges that Brazil faces. President of SBCS is reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) The president of SBCS, professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ), was reappointed to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), with a mandate until 2025. For this mandate, 95 experts were appointed for 27 vacancies as effective members. Among these, only four were reappointed, including Brazil. “It is an even greater responsibility to participate in this important panel for global soil science”, said the president of SBCS.The ITPS was created in 2013 by the United Nations (UN) as a panel of experts from around the world to support the actions of the Global Soil Alliance (GSP). Brazil has been present in all three mandates so far as one of the countries in the Latin America and Caribbean macro region, which has five representatives. Professor Lúcia Anjos has represented Brazil since 2018.For this honor, she thanks GSP’s partners in Brazil who nominated her: SBCS, UFRRJ, UFV, UFES, IAC, the Brazilian Federation of

SBCS Newsletter January/July 2023

SBCS Newsletter January/July 2023 Solos Floripa 2023 will bring together soil science researchers from across Latin America SBCS and the Latin American Soil Science Society promote, from June 30th to August 4th, the XXIII Latin American Soil Science Congress (CLACS) and XXXVIII Brazilian Soil Science Congress (CBCS). The event will have a fantasy name: “Solos Floripa 2023” and will be held at the Costão do Santinho Resort, a place full of history and records of the civilizations that lived in the Santa Catarina region. The deadline for submitting works is now closed, but participants can still register until the start date of the event. Solos Floripa 2023 will be carried out by the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina and will have as sponsors Mosaic Fertilizers, Fecoagro Fertilizers, Phico Terra and CREA of Santa Catarina. Check out the Solos Floripa 2023 Schedule Southern Regional Center launches book on Soil Physics The Soil Physics book is part of a joint effort by members of the SBCS Southern Regional Center. The chapters present the basic concepts and relationships concerning the physical conditions of soils, focusing on regional and national research results, without losing the consolidated global concept.The content contributes to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching by facilitating the understanding and perfect definition of the characteristic, property or process, as well as access to the bibliographic reference made available to students.The physical book can be purchased via R$70.00 for members and R$80.00 for non-members SBCS launches e-book to rescue the memory of its founders Still celebrating its 75th anniversary, completed in 2022, SBCS has just launched another book in the series about its history, counting, once again, on the dedication of a partner interested in rescuing and preserving its memory.This time, Julierme Zimmer Barbosa, professor of Soil Sciences atFederal Institute of Southeastern Minas Gerais, sought the stories of the founders of SBCS, the pioneers who, in 1947, helped bring together people interested in the progress of soil science in Brazil.The e-book is available free of charge on the SBCS website, Topics in Soil Science are now available in e-book format The Topics in Soil Science series is a successful initiative by SBCS to offer researchers, students and teachers reviews of relevant topics written by big names in Brazilian soil science. 11 volumes have already been released since its creation in 2000. Volume XII will be released during the Solos Floripa 2023 Congress.The first volumes were out of print and are constantly in demand. Therefore, SBCS decided to re-release the first three volumes, only in e-book format to facilitate access for all interested parties. Volumes I, II and III of the e-books can now be purchased for just R$18.00 in the SBCS Virtual Store. Soon other volumes will also be made available in this same format.Check out the contents of the e-books and the names of the authors of the published articles. SBCS Northeast Center makes available proceedings of all Northeastern Soil Science Meetings The proceedings of the I to VII edition of the Northeastern Soil Science Meetings are available on this website, in PDF format. VII Central-West Soil Science Meeting is successfully held in Goiás The Central-West Regional Center (NRCO) of the SBCS held, between the 24th and 26th of May 2023, in Goiânia, the VII Central-West Soil Science Meeting and the IV Symposium on Plant Nutrition in the Cerrado. The event’s central theme was “Soil science in the context of regenerative agriculture” and discussed advances and obstacles to soil science in the region. The Meeting registered the presence of 469 participants from 13 Brazilian states. They had access to 18 lectures and the presentation of 146 approved scientific works. The event has been taking place periodically since 2011, having already been held in the cities of Jataí-GO, Rio Verde-GO, Barra do Garças-MT, Chapadão do Sul-MS and Goiânia-GO, respectively. In 2021, due to the pandemic, it was held online and is available on the SBCS YouTube channel. The new board of directors of the Southern Regional Center is sworn in In January, the new board of directors of the Southern Regional Center of the SBCS (NRS) took office, which now has Professor Pedro Alexandre Varella Escosteguy, from the School of Agricultural Sciences, Innovation and Business at the University of Passo Fundo, as its director.The election took place during the XIV Southern Brazilian Soil Science Meeting, held in November, in Florianópolis.The new board’s main objectives are the creation of regionalized textbooks for the subareas of Soil Science; update the Liming and Fertilization Manual for the States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina; create and maintain NRS communication channels; define, together with researchers linked to the NRS, the main lines of research in each sub-area of ​​soil science; work with public and development agents to facilitate financing resources for priority research for RS and SC, consolidating the NRS as a communication channel between these bodies and researchers and forwarding demands from SBCS members. The following members make up the board: Director: Pedro Alexandre Varella Escosteguy (UPF)1st Deputy Director: Researcher Fabiano De Bona?(Embrapa Trigo)2nd Deputy Director: Paulo Ivonir Gubiani (UFSM)1st Treasurer: Jackson Korchagin?(CESURG)Secretary General: André Amaral?(Embrapa Trigo)Board of directors: Cledimar Rogério Lourenzi, Tales Tiecher, Maurício Vicente Alves and Leandro Sousa da Silva Further information on the NRS website. Eastern Regional Center has new board The Eastern Regional Nucleus of the Brazilian Soil Science Society, formed by members from the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro, elected its new board of directors for the 2023/2025 term. Check out: Director: José João Lelis de Souza (UFV) 1st Deputy Director: Marcos Gervasio Pereira (UFRRJ) 2nd Deputy Director: Danilo de Lima Camêlo (UFES) Treasurer: Felipe Haenel Gomes (UFLA) Secretary: Michele Duarte de Menezes (UFLA) SBCS congratulates the new directors of the Regional Centers, wishing them mandates with good achievements in favor of soil science.

SBCS Newsletter August 2023

SBCS Newsletter August 2023 Solos Floripa was successfully carried out in Santa Catarina Around 1300 people participated, between July 30th and August 4th, in Florianópolis, SC, in the XXIII Latin American Congress of Soil Science and the XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Soil Science. Together, the events were given the fancy name Solos Floripa 2023. The event is jointly promoted by the Latin American (SLCS) and Brazilian (SBCS) Soil Science Societies, with the support of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS). Solos Floripa was carried out by the Agricultural Research and Rural Extension Company of Santa Catarina (Epagri) and chaired by researcher Elisângela Benedet. This was the first in-person event held by SBCS since 2018, due to the coronavirus pandemic that interrupted scientific events in Brazil and around the world. 240 / 5.000 Resultados de tradução Resultado da tradução Solos Floripa 2023 in numbers 1300 participants 30% were undergraduate students 26% were graduate students 38% were professionals. 84% Brazilian. The rest came from Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Peru, Argentina and Uruguay. 506 / 5.000 Resultados de tradução Resultado da tradução The theme During the event, the public will be able to participate in seven conferences, 27 symposiums with two lectures each and three mini-courses in all areas of soil science, creating great opportunities to update contemporary topics in soil science and contacts with renowned researchers. Solos Floripa had the theme “Latin America and the good governance of its soils and biomes: possibility or utopia? A video produced by Epagri highlights some highly relevant speakers and topics. Women at the helm of scientific societies Solos Floripa 2023 was marked by the presence of women at the head of scientific soil science societies. The president of the event, Elisângela Benedet (Epagri) presiding over the Latin American Society of Soil Science (SLCS), professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ) heading the SBCS and Mexican researcher Laura Bertha as president of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) In their speeches, they highlighted that there is a crisis in researchers joining scientific societies and that these difficulties need to be rethought so that there is an understanding of the importance of these societies for strengthening science and soil governance. New board The holding of the Brazilian Soil Science Congresses marks the renewal of the SBCS boards, made up of president, vice-presidents, advisors, executive secretary and directors of the Specialized Divisions and Commissions and, in some cases, of the Regional/State Centers. The elections During Solos Floripa 2023, professor Lúcia Anjos (UFRRJ), who held the position for two terms, handed over the position to the new president, Maria Eugênia Escobar, elected by the Board of Directors and endorsed by the General Assembly. In the case of the boards of Divisions and Commissions, the election is made by the participating members and endorsed by the Council. The vice-presidents will be the directors of the next two Congresses. The headquarters of SBCS will remain at the Federal University of Viçosa -MG, and the Secretariat will continue to be exercised by professors Reinaldo Bertola Cantarutti (general secretary) Raphael Bragança Fernandes (deputy secretary) and Igor Assis (treasurer). The directorates of the Centers, Divisions and Commissions can be seen on the SBCS website. SBCS is immensely grateful to Professor Lúcia Anjos for her work leading the presidency of SBCS from 2019 to 2023. SBCS has new president Maria Eugênia Escobar was elected by the SBCS Board of Directors on Sunday, July 30th, and had her name endorsed by the SBCS General Assembly this Wednesday, August 2nd. Since 2010, Maria Eugênia has been a professor in the Department of Soil Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará where she leads the Soil Quality and Environmental Chemistry Research Group (QSQA). As advisor for the Postgraduate Program in Soil Science and Ecology and Natural Resources at UFC, she works in the areas of soil chemistry, environmental chemistry, heavy metals and the use of biosolids and industrial waste as soil conditioners. Between 2019 and 2023, she held the position of Director of the Northeast Regional Center of SBCS. The new president called for everyone to come together in search of strengthening SBCS as a representative entity of soil science in Brazil “It is time to call all scientists who work with soil in all their areas, the youngest, those who are in training and those who have a little extra time in this area, come, contribute and strengthen SBCS”. She also reaffirmed her dedication to serving SBCS and enhancing Soil Science with courage, commitment, sensitivity, respect and dedication to SBCS. 1st Latin American Solo Competition In the São Joaquim region, in Serra Catarinense, students from Brazil and Spain participated in the 1st Latin American Soil Competition. The event was held on the 26th, 27th and 28th of July, as part of the Solos Floripa 2023 program and preceding the start of the Congress. The competition was promoted by SBCS and the Latin American Soil Science Society (SLCS), organized by UFSC, UFSM and Epagri. It was coordinated by professors Arcângelo Loss (UFSC) and Fabrício de Araújo Pedron (UFSM). the event was held at the São Joaquim Experimental Station (Epagri – EESJ). Soil identification and interpretation competitions are common at International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) events and have been held in Southern Brazil since 2015. Now, they should be part of the official program of the Brazilian Soil Science Congresses. This time, participants had to evaluate the soils of the São Joaquim region according to the criteria, hierarchical levels and soil classes in the Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2022) or World Reference Base for Soil Resources (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2022) . According to professors Arcângelo and Fabrício, the main objective of this event is to allow students to learn about soils from different regions and have the opportunity to interact with students, technicians and researchers from other universities and countries. It’s a good time to also develop skills related to soil interpretation in the field. 1st place = Team 2 – Spain (Coach Jorge Solera) 2nd place =Team 3 – Brazil (Técnica Taciara Horst) 3rd place = Team